The coolant recovery system is standard. As the coolant in the radiator expands with heat, the overflow is col-
lected in the reservoir.
When the system cools down, the coolant is drawn back into the radiator.
The co oling syste m has been fille d at the factor y with a quality coolant to ensur e protect ion against freez ing,
corros ion and loss of coolant f rom boiling . This shoul d be done even i f ambient tem peratures below freezin g
point are not expected.
• Always use the reco mmende d coo lant. A lcohol or me thanol base co ola nt or pla in wate r alone shoul d not
be used in the cooling system at any time as damage to cooling system could occur.
• A mixture o f 30% Holden Cruze Coolant part nu mber 92145591 mixed wi th 70% water should be main-
tained for the purpose of corrosion protection and lubrication.
1. To ensure the specified ethylene glycol concentration is maintained in the engine coolant, the coolant
concentration must be checked at the time or distance intervals outlined in the MY2002 YG Holden Cruze
Owner's Handbook. The cooling system should be at or close to ambient temperature.
2. Carefully remove the radiator pressure cap from the radiator and, while holding the rubber bulb squeezed,
insert nozzle of coolant tester hydrometer, Tool No. AU505 into coolant. Releasing the rubber bulb will
then draw sufficient coolant into the tester to float hydrometer bulb freely.
3. Hold tester at eye level and read scale on hydrometer bulb at coolant level.
4. The reading shows the percentage of Holden Cruze Coolant contained in the engine coolant.
5. The hydrometer reading should show 30% if the coolant concentration is correct.
6. If a reading of less than 30% is achieved, the cooling system requires topping up with Holden Cruze
Coolant (P/No. 92145591).
7. Drain sufficient quantity of coolant from cooling system to allow top-up with coolant additive, then add the
required amount of the correct additive. Reinstall pressure cap to the radiator.
8. Start and run the eng ine unt il nor mal op erating t emper ature is reached. This will all ow the ad ded co olant
to be distributed throughout the cooling system.
Minimum tempera ture °C –16 –36
Percentage of Holden Cruze
coolant (P/No. 92145591) to water %30 50
Volume of coolant concentrate
to water Litre 1.52/3.53 2.52/2.52
Engine radiator and heater 4.20 litr es
Reservo ir tank 0.85 litr es
Total 5 .05 litr es