At start of production for VY series Commodore, Calais and Utility, the Blaupunkt audio system
was introduced. The audio head unit (Radio and CD player) fitted to these vehicles requires
Supplier Prior Approval (SPAP) before the unit can be replaced under warranty – refer RL67/02
(2/10/02) . In early January 2003, Blaupunkt audio unit s were fitted to V2 ser ies II Monaro vehicles
The Supplier Prior Approval Process (SPAP) was originally launched for Blaupunkt audio head
units fitted to SB and XC Barina, TS Astra, TT Zafira and JS Vectra vehicles and is unchanged
except for the inclusion of VY and V2 ser ies I I vehicles.
This letter provides all Retailer s with
1. The revised Blaupunkt Audio Replacem ent Authorisation Request Form s
2. The revised Quick Reference G uide and Diagnosis Index for the SPAP Manual
3. Details of a Warranty Change over Program for audio head unit replacement in lieu of new
part installation via HSPO FOR VY and V2 series II vehicles.
1. Blaupunkt Audio Replacement / Repair Authorisation Request Form
Attachment A provides a master copy of t he for m necessary to req uest authorisation t o replace a
Blaupunkt audio head unit under warranty. The attached form is a generic document for all
Blaupunkt audio head unit replacement requests on Holden vehicles.
This form is to be com p let ed and faxed to Blaupunkt on Facsimile No. (03) 9541 5432.
A copy of this f or m will also be included in the Holden Passenger Vehicle SIP as a master copy for
fut ur e use.
Please locate and destroy all copies of the orig inal Request f orm as it does not provide f or VY and
V2 series II vehicle req uest s and includes an incor r ect Facsimile No.
2. Diagnosis Instructions
The Blaupunkt Audio System General Information and Diagnosis Procedures originally distributed
with the SPAP manual remains applicable to the imported SUP vehicles. The equivalent
infor m a t ion for VY series audio units is featured in the Holden Passeng er Vehicle SIP CD.
Attachment B provides a copy of the Quick Reference Guide and the Diagnosis Index
incorporating VY and V2 series II vehicle applications for Retailers to immediately update the
Supplier Prior Appr oval Process Manual (Blaupunkt section).
A copy of these documents will also be included in the Holden Passenger Vehicle SIP in the near
A fundamental element of the Supplier Prior Approval Process (SPAP) is the ready access to
supplier expertise to assist Retailers with tricky or difficult to diagnose product problems. Audio
units are complex electr onic components and are included in the SPAP due to their high No Fault
Found (NFF) experience. Retailers are therefore, strongly encouraged to seek diagnosis
assistance f r om the Blaupunk t Diag nosis Assistance Centr e by calling T oll Free t elephone number
1300 307 036. Where assistance is required, then talk to Blaupunkt before processing a
Replacement Author isation Request form .
3. Warranty Change Over Program – VY series ONLY
New replacement Blaupunkt audio head units f or VY series vehicles were previously sourced from
HSPO after Approval was reached with the supplier. Blaupunkt has recently established a local
audio head unit testing and repair capability and is now able to offer Holden and it’s Retailer
network, an Audio Head Unit Warranty Change Over Program for VY and V2 series II vehicles
which are both fitt ed with Blaupunk t audio system s.
Effective immediately, Retailers requesting Prior Approval from Blaupunkt to replace a defective
audio head unit on VY and V2 series II vehicles, will be supplied with :-
An Author isation Number (where applicable) appr oving audio head unit replacement (supplied
via fax response in the norm al SPAP m anner)
A Change Over replacement audio head unit for the affected vehicle (despatched at No
Charge from Blaupunkt Melbourne the same day if approval is granted prior to 3:00pm
1. Antennas, speakers and any other audio system component (except head unit), are to be
purchased through normal HSPO parts supply channels and claimed via warranty in the
normal manner .
2. A note will be added to PartFinder® against the VY and V2 series II audio head units, as a
reminder, that Warranty replacement head units are supplied via Change-Over from
The replacement “Change-Over” head unit is supplied with:-
Reusable packag ing which MUST be retained for ret ur n of the defective unit to Blaupunkt.
A PRE PAID Mayne Logistics Satchel and part ially complet ed Consignment Not e
Applicable Instructions for inst allation and Audio Code Index Programming via Tech2.
A Blaupunkt prepared Audio Unit Change Advice form for Retailers to send to Holden’s
Security Information Centr e (Fax No. (03) 9647 2865) once the audio is exchang ed t o update
the security PIN for the aff e ct ed vehicle.
Audio head unit retur n instructions.
Special Return I nst ruct ions.
The prompt return of replaced defective audio units is critical for the success of a change over
process. Shor t ages will occur when defective units are not returned quickly. Retailer s ar e expected
to return the defective unit within 10 working days from the receipt date of the replacement unit.
When not returned after 10 Days, Blaupunkt will follow-up those retailers with outstanding units
Immediat e r eturn of the replaced def ect ive unit
A Booking date for the vehicle if not replaced at that time. Where no booking date has been
established (or can be established), then Blaupunkt will request the immediate return of the
supplied change over unit.
Please note that units supplied Free of Charge, that are not returned, will be subject to the
processing of a Charg e Invoice (at the Reta iler Buy Price) .
To ret ur n a r eplaced (or unused) Blaupunk t audio head unit
Packag e t he audio head unit in the supplied “original” packaging and enclose in the sat chel
Complete the supplied Mayne Logistics Consig nm ent Note
Contact Mayne Logistics on telephone number 131 531 to book a special pick-up f r om your
premises and
Quote T o Mayne Logistics “Account Number 3006ZT”
Non Ejected CD’s
Wher e the audio head unit def ect involves CD’s that do not eject from the unit, Retailers
MUST NOT open the unit to ret r ieve the CD’s or for c efully remove them
Must complete Attachment C CD’s Enclosed” and fax it to Blaupunkt together with the
completed Audio Replacement Authorisation Req uest for m
Blaupunkt will exercise all care for the safe removal and prompt return to the Retailer or directly to
the customer ( as applicable) .
The ready availability of change over audio head units for complaint vehicles is dependant on the
speedy return of the replaced defective unit for both problem investigation and rectification
activities. Retailer cooperation with Blaupunkt in this r espect is theref or e requested.
Please ensure this letter and attachments receive a wide circulation through your Service and
Parts Depart ments. I t is import ant that all concer ned with audio system diagnosis, rectif ication and
replacement parts ordering is aware of the diagnosis assistance available from Blaupunkt and the
source f or r eplacem ent audio Head units for VY and V2 series II Monaro vehicles.
Should you require further information or clarification on the above, then please call Gary Brunet
on telephone number ( 03) 9647 2463.
J. K. Hoffman
General Service Manager
A – Blaupunkt Audio Replacement/Repair Authorisation Request form
B – CD’s” Enclosed form.
Revised February 2003
Date: ……………….. Time: -………… am/pm Dealer Code: ……..…… Warranty: YES / NO
Contact Name:………………………… Dealer Name: ………………………………………….………………..……..
Phone No.: (………)………………… Dealer Address: ……………………………………………………………….
Fax No.: (………)……..……………… ……………………………………………………………………………………
R / O No:-……..………………… …………………………………………………………………………………….
Service Manager or Nominee Signature: ……………………………………………..……………………………………
Vehicle Detail s:
ISOVIN: ……………………………………………………. TAG No……………………………. Delivery Date:-………………….
Build Date: ……………………… Odometer:…………. Vehicle Model Code: eg VY Berlina, TS CD, JS etc. ………………
Audio System Details:
Holden Part Number
Blaupunkt Serial Number of failed unit eg BP8382W0608664
Component Description: eg VY Acclaim single CD, JS CD Changer: …………………………………………………………
CD’s stuck inside? Yes No If Yes, complete CD ENCLOSED form and fax with the PRIOR APPROVAL FORM
AND attach a copy to the radio.
Is there any physical damage or modifications done to the unit? YES / NO (Please circle)
B. TITLE of DIAGNOSIS CHART(S) USED ie “Radio Illumination
Stored DTC’s.
C. FAULT DIAGNOSIS STEPS COMPLETED (insert applicable steps – refer Diagnosis Procedure)
NOTE: For Diagno stic assistance, please call Bl aupunkt Service Centre on 1300 30 70 36.
Please return faul ty uni t using the provided return consignment note and original shipping
carton. To book courier, please call Mayn e on 131 531, account number 3006Z T.
AUTHORISATION NUMBER (Blaupunkt to provide)
FAX this completed for m to Blaupu nkt on (03) 9541 5432
Revised February 2003
ATTENTION: This unit contains Customer’s CDs. Please be extra careful with them, the
customer would like them back as soon as po ssible.
Serial number of Radio/CD: BP
The following CDs are thought to be inside;
Eg. Queen – Greatest Hits
We woul d like the CDs returned to th e following address;
Name: Phone: ( )
Suburb: State:
Post Code:
Returned by: (please p ri nt)
Blaupu nkt Service use: CDs removed:
Technician: Date:
Returned to abo ve on: (date)
Consignment Note:
Include this form with the faxed BLAUPUNKT AUDIO REPLACEMENT/REPAIR
AUTHORISATION REQUEST FORM, AND attach it to the unit being returned.
Please provide the Customer with a copy of this completed form, it is their
receipt for tracki ng the CDs.