At start of production for VY series Commodore, Calais and Utility, the Blaupunkt audio system
was introduced. The audio head unit (Radio and CD player) fitted to these vehicles requires
Supplier Prior Approval (SPAP) before the unit can be replaced under warranty – refer RL67/02
(2/10/02) . In early January 2003, Blaupunkt audio unit s were fitted to V2 ser ies II Monaro vehicles
The Supplier Prior Approval Process (SPAP) was originally launched for Blaupunkt audio head
units fitted to SB and XC Barina, TS Astra, TT Zafira and JS Vectra vehicles and is unchanged
except for the inclusion of VY and V2 ser ies I I vehicles.
This letter provides all Retailer s with
1. The revised Blaupunkt Audio Replacem ent Authorisation Request Form s
2. The revised Quick Reference G uide and Diagnosis Index for the SPAP Manual
3. Details of a Warranty Change over Program for audio head unit replacement in lieu of new
part installation via HSPO FOR VY and V2 series II vehicles.
1. Blaupunkt Audio Replacement / Repair Authorisation Request Form
Attachment A provides a master copy of t he for m necessary to req uest authorisation t o replace a
Blaupunkt audio head unit under warranty. The attached form is a generic document for all
Blaupunkt audio head unit replacement requests on Holden vehicles.
This form is to be com p let ed and faxed to Blaupunkt on Facsimile No. (03) 9541 5432.
A copy of this f or m will also be included in the Holden Passenger Vehicle SIP as a master copy for
fut ur e use.
Please locate and destroy all copies of the orig inal Request f orm as it does not provide f or VY and
V2 series II vehicle req uest s and includes an incor r ect Facsimile No.
2. Diagnosis Instructions
The Blaupunkt Audio System General Information and Diagnosis Procedures originally distributed
with the SPAP manual remains applicable to the imported SUP vehicles. The equivalent
infor m a t ion for VY series audio units is featured in the Holden Passeng er Vehicle SIP CD.
Attachment B provides a copy of the Quick Reference Guide and the Diagnosis Index
incorporating VY and V2 series II vehicle applications for Retailers to immediately update the
Supplier Prior Appr oval Process Manual (Blaupunkt section).
A copy of these documents will also be included in the Holden Passenger Vehicle SIP in the near
A fundamental element of the Supplier Prior Approval Process (SPAP) is the ready access to
supplier expertise to assist Retailers with tricky or difficult to diagnose product problems. Audio
units are complex electr onic components and are included in the SPAP due to their high No Fault
Found (NFF) experience. Retailers are therefore, strongly encouraged to seek diagnosis
assistance f r om the Blaupunk t Diag nosis Assistance Centr e by calling T oll Free t elephone number
1300 307 036. Where assistance is required, then talk to Blaupunkt before processing a
Replacement Author isation Request form .