DL 22/96
March 26, 1996
As a cus tomer satisfac tion initiative, GM-Powertrain in conj unction with Holden has developed a VR/VS/VT Service
Replacement Transmission Assembly (SRTA) Program. This program replaces the existing VR & VS Holden
Warranty Transmission Changeover Program, refer to DL 39/95. Distribution of SRTA units will be through the
existing changeover program distributors. A list of these distributors is provided with this letter.
This program commenced on April 1, 1996.
SRTA transmissions are remanufactured at a single point site in a production environment under strict quality
control conditions.
SRTA distributors are committed to the next business day dispatch for all SRTA models on an FOC (Free of
Charge) basis.
Transmission orders received early in the day will be dispatched on the same day to Dealers within the
metropolitan area.
The SRT A Program will operate on a sim ilar basis to the pr evious program in that transm issions will be supplied to
Dealers on an FOC basis.
This SRTA Program is restricted to warranty related transmission failures. Under no circumstances are STRA
transmissions to be used for vehicles outside the new vehicle powertrain warranty period of 100,000 k m or thr ee ( 3)
In the event that the transmission fails and requires replacements on a vehicle with less t han 5,000 km , the Dealer
is to order a new replacement transmission from the local SRTA Distributor.
Dealers should order a SRTA replacem ent transmiss ion for all warranty repairs between 5,000 and 100,000 k m that
cannot be corrected by replacement of parts listed in the on-vehicle service components list. Holden strongly
recommends the use of the SRTA Program for all transmission warranty repairs that fall into the above criteria.
In summary, the on-vehicle service components consist of:
Components that are accessible external to the transmission.
Seals and gaskets for external oil leak repairs excluding torque converter and oil pump seal.
The transmission complaint must be confirmed using the correct diagnosis as detailed in the Diagnosis section of
this letter.
If the repair cannot be carr ied out by replacement of on-vehicle ser vice com ponents, the Dealer will order an SRT A
transmission from the local SRTA Distributor.
All SRTA orders should be faxed to your local Distributor using a completed copy of the SRTA
Order Form (Form F). Transmissions will not be supplied unless the Distributor receives a fully completed SRTA
Order Form.
W hen diagnos ing transm ission com plaints, Dealers mus t first c arry out a transm ission f unctional tes t as detailed in
the appropriate section of the Service Information CD. This test procedure is reproduced at the rear of this
document, refer Transmission Function Check.
Technicians must carry out transmission line pressure checks where indicated in the transmission functional test
procedure. The line pressure checking procedure is reproduced at the rear of this document, refer
Line Pressure Check.
Transmission problems can often be attributed to poor electrical connections at the transmission electrical
connector. Guidelines for checking and servicing this connector are provided at the rear of this document, refer
Transmission Electrical Connector.
PlDL 40/00