WD 14/03
July 30, 1998
This bulletin supersedes WD 03/97 of February 7, 1997.
The infor mation contained in this bulletin will provide Dealer s with the latest procedure f or acquiring Holden Spec ial
Vehicles (HSV) Unique Parts.
Whenever HSV unique parts are deemed to be f aulty and require replacement under Holden New Vehic le Warranty
or Parts and Accessories Warranty, the following procedure for acquiring HSV unique parts must be adhered to.
All HSV built vehicles are issued with a specific build type and number. This number is located on the vehicle
cockpit module near the Holden compliance plate.
1. Dealer Service Department must complete a HSV Warranty Request Form (9861) in its entirety.
2. Fax the completed HSV Warranty Request Form to HSV Warranty Department, attention Mr. John Volarich.
Fax No. (03) 9265-9555.
3. HSV W arranty Department will provide initial approval and an authorisation number, via return fax as soon as
possible the same day. Failure to fully complete the HSV Warranty Request Form may delay the
allocation of a warranty authorisation number.
4. Dealers may then order the approved parts from an authorised HSV distributor, quoting the authorisation
number provided by HSV. Under no circumstances will distributors dispatch parts free of charge
without a HSV warranty authorisation number.
5. Defective parts m ust be r eturned to HSV by the Dealer within 30 days. A copy of the original HSV Warranty
Request Form must also be returned with the defective parts.
6. Return all defective parts accompanied by a copy of the HSV Warranty Request Form to:
HSV Warranty Department
Att: Mr. John Volarich
1508 Centre Road
Clayton, Victoria 3168
via IPEC Road Transport quoting account number NV4740.
Failure to comply with this procedure may initiate charge back action against the Dealership concerned.
Attached to this bulletin is a copy of the HSV Warranty Request Form (9861). Please make sufficient copies of
this form then file the original in a secure area for future use.
Upon receipt of replaced parts, HSV will determine responsibility. If a claim is not considered to fall within the
Holden New Vehicle Warranty or Parts and Accessories Warranty, HSV will raise an invoice against the Dealer
concerned to r ecover the c osts of parts supplied fr ee of c harge. Parts expense will be calculated at the Dealers
normal buying price.
Parts associated with the HSV rebill invoice, effectively become the property of the Dealer concerned. HSV will hold
all such parts f or a per iod of thirty (30) days from the invoic e date. Dealer s may request the r etur n of invoic ed parts
within this thirty (30) day period, otherwise parts will be destroyed after the thirty (30) day holding period has
expired. Freight costs for the return of rejected parts will be the responsibility of the Dealer concerned.