WD 09/96 July 18, 1996
This bulletin is to advise Dealers of a change of name of the Holden’s LPG equipment supplier, and to supply a
formal warranty replacement parts ordering and supply method.
For the VT Commodore, or der LPG parts from HSPO.
From July 1st 1996, IMPCO Tec hnologies Pty. Limited (IMPCO ), a wholly owned subsidiary of IMPCO Technologies
Inc., USA, has purc hased the busines s and ce rtain ass ets of Atec o Autom otive Pty. Ltd. – Gas Equipment Divis ion.
Trading under IMPCO T echnologies Pty. Ltd will co m m ence im m ediately in Australia, and the contact details are as
IMPCO Technologies Pty. Ltd.
1 – 3 Taunton Drive (PO Box 233),
Cheltenham Victoria 3192
Telephone: (03) 9584 5644
Fax: (03) 9583 0696
Email: enquiries@impcotechnologies.com.au
Warranty cards must be returned to Holden for warranty coverage.
Undue delays and unnecessary work is created for Dealerships if the warranty card is not com pleted and returned
promptly. This may lead to rejection or delay of warranty claims should a vehicle require a repair to the LPG system.
We suggest that you advise all LPG fitters, whether they are Dealership staff or an outside LPG fitter, of this
At present, many Dealers and LPG fitters are not returning the warranty card which is included in the IMPCO
genuine LPG kit.
All LPG fitters must stamp or engrave the LPG kit serial number on the identification plate which is affixed to the
vehicle. The LPG kit serial number is found on the warranty card.
Please refer to the IMPCO LPG Warranty Parts Replacement Form attached to this letter. Please copy the form
and use it whenever LPG warranty/policy replacement parts are required from IMPCO.
Whenever a genuine part removed from an IMPCO Holden LPG installation kit is to be replaced under
warranty/policy, the following procedure must be used:
For additional information regarding LPG warranty Parts Replacement, refer to DL 51/00 and DL 28/01.
1. Full details m ust be f axed to IMPCO, f illing in Part A of the IMPC O LPG Warran ty Parts Replacemen t Form ,
on (03) 9583 0696.
2. IMPCO will supply free of charge (F OC) warranty/policy m aterial to the Dealer with a ‘no char ge’ invoice, and if
the above requested details ar e faxed to IMPCO befor e 2.00 pm (E.S.T) and approved, the replac ement parts
will be dispatched to the Dealer that evening. Dealers will be notified by IMPCO of shortages, with expected
receipt date indicated.
3. Dealer must fill out a Def ective Material T ag (GMH-906), attac h it to the replacem ent part, and retur n all f aulty
parts within 14 days and marked for the attention of Holden Warranty Section to:
IMPCO Technologies Pty LTD
1 – 3 Taunton Drive (PO Box 233),
Cheltenham Victoria 3192
Return packaging is provided by IMPCO for this purpose.
If the item is not returned within the specified time or the Defective Material Tag is not correctly filled out, a
parts invoice will be raised by IMPCO and issued against the Dealer.
Parts associated with sublet repairs must also be returned to IMPCO with a copy of the sublet invoice attached.