1. Dealership to carr y out diagnosis as per the Telemat ics Service Documentat ion, Ref er Section
12Q of the VX Service Information on Holden SIP CD. This is to include the Telematics On-
Board Diagnostic System Check and the relevant Diagnostic.
2. If the Diagnostic directs the Dealership to replace the Telematics Module or the Backup
Battery, the Dealership to complete all the details on the Australian Arrow
Telematics Changeover Request Form, and facsimile t o Australian Arrow, facsim ile number
(03) 9775 0954.
3. Upon receipt of the Changeover Form from the Dealerships, Australian Arrow to contact the
Dealership to validate the request or assist in diagnosing the problem.
4. If the request is validated, Australian Arrow to process a changeover part (battery or
Telematics module), within eight (8) working hours of receipt of the request. For both the
battery and the Telematics Module, no bracket is included. The Telematics Module will be
programmed by Australian Arrow to suit each individual vehicle; this includes programming the
VIN into the module.
5. Austr alian Ar r ow to pack and dispatch the changeover part via an air satchel system. Included
will be a return air satchel.
6. Upon the receipt of the changeover part, the Dealership to replace the suspect part and return
to Australian Arrow in the return satchel provided, within two (2) weeks of receipt of the part.
Please also include a copy of the original Changeover Request Form.
7. Important. On completion of replacement of the Telematics Module, in order for the
customer’s Telematics service to be activated, the Dealership is to operate the Assist button
on the mirror to initiate a call to the Holden Assistance centre. The Holden Assist centre is
operated 24 hrs per day, 7 days per week. An operator will respond and the Dealership is to
provide them with the VIN and the Vehicle Registration Number (if registered).