© 2006 GM Holden LTD. A.B.N. 84 006 893 232
Service Department
A “Holden” Product
The User Guide
Conventions Used In The User Guide
Service Information Package Operation
Main Menu
Series Menu
Model Selection Index
Service Communications
Wiring Diagrams
Tips on Using Adobe Acrobat
Acrobat Reader Help
Acrobat Dropdown Menus
Acrobat Toolbars
Welcome to the Holden Service Information Package on DVD (SIP DVD), a new concept in the presentation of
technical information to Holden Dealerships and franchises.
The Service Information Package on DVD (SIP DVD) contains service information covering the following Holden
Passenger and Light Commercial derivatives:
V and W Series Passenger Vehicles Light Commercial Vehicles
SUP Vehicles HSV Vehicles
Daewoo Vehicles
The Service Information Package on DVD (SIP DVD) also contains the following supplementary service
Service Techlines Dealer Letters
Campaign Bulletins Warranty Bulletins
Labour Times Guides Warranty Wiring and Connector Information
Monthly Warranty Alert Listing Service Forms
Workshop Manual Listing Accessories Fitting Instruct ions
Body Structure Repair Manuals Holden By Design
Coolant Recommendations Police Pack Production Options
Information can be accessed using either the menu system, the on-screen indexes, or, where, topics are related,
by using the in text links.
The User Guide
This User Guide provides users with an overview of the Holden SIP DVD and its features, in an easy to read
The User Guide is divided into three sections:
Introduction – which provides an overview of the Holden SIP DVD.
Features and Functions – which provides details of the various features and functions of the product.
PC/Workstation Care and Maintenance – which provides a few general tips on how to look after your PC
or Workstation.
The User Guide provides information on how to use the Holden SIP DVD. Because the Holden SIP DVD uses
Adobe Acrobat as its base program, many functions are carried out within Acrobat.
Therefore, information on these functions is not duplicated in the User Guide, but can be found in the Adobe
Acrobat On-Line Help (available at all times from the Help dropdown menu).
Conventions Used In The User Guide
The following conventions are used throughout the Holden SIP DVD User Guide.
Step by step instructions are provided for all actions you are required to perform – these will always
commence with an action word.
Action words re indicated in italics e.g. click, double click, select.
Items to which you must go to perform an action are indicated in BOLD CAPITALS e.g. SETUP, FILE
Where reference is made to the Windows “MY COMPUTER” feature, “WINDOWS EXPLORER” can be used
instead, depending on preference.
Where an action can be performed using either the mouse or the keyboard, both methods are described.
Where a feature or function is available only at certain times, you will be told when that feature or function is
Service Information Package Operation
The SIP DVD uses a menu structure which allows users to find the required information in the way most service
technicians would find familiar.
Step 1 Main Screen – Select the type of information you want to see. The choices are:
Passenger Vehicle – all Passenger Vehicle information
LCRV – all Light Commercial and Recreational Vehicle information
Vehicle Search – opens Vehicle Search screen
What’s New – lists all new content in this release of SIP
User Guide – opens this User Guide
Step 2 Vehicle Main Menu – Select the Vehicle Series eg VZ/WL, Rodeo
Step 3 Model Series Menu – Select the particular model from the series – eg VZ or WL, RA or TF
Step 4 Information Type – Select the type of information you wish to see
Step 5 Specific Information – Select the specific information you wish to see
The following paragraphs provide more detail on how to find information in the SIP DVD.
Main Menu
After answering the introduction screens and selecting the vehicles range you wish to access, you will be taken to
a screen such as the following displaying the Main Menu, see Figure 1.
Figure 1
Series Menu
Clicking on one of the above buttons will take you to a Series Menu, such as the following.
Figure 2
Model Selection Index
Clicking on one of the Series Menu buttons will take you to a Model Selection Index screen, such as the following.
Figure 3
Clicking on of the above buttons, will display a screen which will allow you to select the following information, if
Service Information Button:
Service Information (for the model you have chosen)
Holden By Design
Holden Special Vehicles
Body Structure Repair
Accessory Fitting Instructions
Consumable Bolts
Service Communications Button:
Service Techlines
Campaign Bulletins
Warranty Bulletins
Warranty Information Button:
Labour Timers Guide
Warranty Wiring and Connectors
Monthly Warranty Alert Listing
Supplementary Information Button:
Service Forms
Special Warranty Component Replacement Guidelines (refers you to Holden Lionheart)
Workshop Manual Listing
Series Menu Button:
This button will take you to the Series Menu screen.
Main Menu Button:
This button will take you to the Main Menu screen.
Selecting any of the above items will take you to screens similar to previous versions of SIP.
The only difference is instead of returning to the Main Menu, clicking on the Model Selection Index item at the top
of the Bookmarks column will either take you direct to the item or display a screen similar the following menu, see
Figure 4
Figure 4
Select the model you want and Click on it, you will be taken to the Model Selection Index for that vehicle.
Service Communications
The Service Communications are accessible from either:
The Service Communications menu of the Model Selection Index screen, or
Techlines can be accessed directly from the relevant section in the Service Information sections. Topics
which relate to the Techline bulletins are identified by a distinctive blue ‘Techline’ logo.
Techline Bulletin Update Button
An UPDATE button is used where the Techline Bulletin you are viewing has been updated or amended. By
pressing on the button will take you to the latest information.
Wiring Diagrams
Wiring Diagrams are only available for some models, for example the “V Series Commodore, Calais” & “W Series,
Statesman and Caprice”. They can be found from the Acrobat Navigation “Bookmark column” on the side of the
main screen Service Information items.
There are two menus for the wiring diagrams in Section 12P. The first, the Electrical Schematics Contents is shown
in Figure 5, the second, the Module Location Charts - Electrically Operated Mechanical Devices in Figure 6. Locate
the group item you require e.g. Brakes, Connector, and click on the corresponding Diagram Sheet No. or Location
Figure 5
Figure 6
After selecting the diagram, there are two basic links that will take you to the associated information. By Clicking on
the connector/component items marked ‘A’ you will be taken to a pin-out or end view of the connector. By clicking
on the connector number or description items marked ‘B’ you will be taken to a location diagram showing the
connector location in relation to the vehicle or its associated components, see Figure 7.
Figure 7
An example of the view shown by clicking on the
component ‘A’ is shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8
An example of the view shown by clicking on the connector number or description ‘B’ is shown in Figure 9
Figure 9
Tips On Using Adobe Acrobat
Adobe Acrobat is the basic program under which the Holden SIP DVD operates. Acrobat Reader is simple, easy to
use and is included together with the Holden SIP on the DVD. Acrobat Reader is installed as part of the Holden
SIP DVD Installation Program.
Acrobat Reader Help
Acrobat Reader includes a comprehensive Help System which covers all aspects of the program such as the
search feature. Topics covered in the Acrobat Reader Help system are not duplicated in the Holden SIP DVD User
Acrobat Dropdown Menus
Acrobat Reader uses Windows™ style dropdown menus to provide access to many of its functions. The Menu Bar
can either be displayed or hidden using the dropdown menu Window – Hide Menu Bar or the Function Key F7 on
the keyboard.
Acrobat Toolbars
A toolbar provides access to some of the key functions of Acrobat Reader. The toolbar can be either displayed or
hidden using the dropdown menu Windows – Hide Toolbar or Function Key F8 on the keyboard.
Acrobat Reader allows users various options in how to print information.
Figure 10
Users can select and print:
The entire contents of the current section (text and graphics),
Only the current page, or
A selection of pages by number
For best results, particularly when printing wiring diagrams, users should select “Fit to Page”. This allows an entire
wiring diagram to be printed on a single A4 page.