Steering Page 9–2
1 General Information
The power assisted steering system fitted to MY 2006 VZ Update vehicles, remains as detailed in earlier service
information except for the items discussed in this Section.
The changes that will be taking place have been driven by the use of a variable ratio steering gear, manufactured by
Kayaba Corporation. Changes that are affected by the use of this steering gear, are:
• A design of rack and pinion type power steering gear, where the rotary valve housing is separate to the steering
gear housing and is attached to the main steering gear assembly by two Torx/hexagon headed screws.
• The outer tie rod end spindles are secured to the steering arms by a ‘Nyloc’ self locking nut that must be replaced
after removal. A feature of using this design of lock nut is that, until the spindle taper jams in the corresponding
taper in the steering arm, the spindle must be held by a 6 mm Allen key.
• The steering gear operation is very similar to the previous design and the variable assistance is still controlled by a
torsion rod in the input shaft. Apart from some minor design changes such as a needle roller support for the lower
pinion shaft and the ‘top hat’ upper pinion support, the steering gear operation is exactly similar in its operation, to
that previously described. Refer to Section 9 Steering, in the MY2005 VZ Series Service Information.
MY 2006 VZ Update, AWD Wagons will continue to be produced, using the existing steering rack assembly.
At the time of publishing approval, no firm introduction date and tag number have been recorded but it is anticipated that
the V6 version of the Kayaba steering rack will be introduced into production in early October, 2006. The V8 version is
anticipated as being introduced in early January, 2007.
Items that carry over from the existing steering of vehicles, are:
• A Kayaba vane type power steering pump is fitted to all MY2006½ vehicles – a constant flow design for all except
AWD Wagon that uses a droop flow pump. This pump design varies the fluid pressure and flow as required under
certain operating conditions.
• Power steering pump principles of operation for all vehicles including AWD are the same as previously described –
refer to Section 9 Steering in the MY2005 Series VZ Service Information.
• A remote fluid reservoir.
• A power steering fluid cooler.
• A four-spoke steering wheel with wheel mounted stereo controls and for vehicles with a 5 speed automatic
transmission, Active Select steering wheel mounted shift paddles.
• A steering wheel inflatable restraint assembly (driver’s airbag) is a standard feature on all vehicles. For steering
wheel inflatable restraint service information, refer to Section 12M Occupant Protection System.
• When performing steering gear or column
service procedures where the steering
gear coupling will be disconnected,
remove the ignition key from the ignition
lock and ensure the steering column is
locked. If this operation is not carried out
and the steering wheel is spun while the
steering gear coupling is removed from
the steering gear, the clockspring will be
destroyed. This could result in a
diagnostic trouble code (DTC) and
possible non deployment of the driver's
inflatable restraint.
• Power steering fluid can reach
temperatures of approximately 75 °C. When
handling power steering fluid or power
steering components that are hot, the
technician must wear the appropriate
safety glasses, gloves and clothing to
protect against possibl e b urn s.
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