The f ollowing infor mation relates to pr ogramming ins trument c luster as semblies to meet the unique r equirements of
the Police Department. For all other diagnostic information, inc luding testing and program ming infor mation, refer to
Section 12C INSTRUMENTS, WIPERS/WASHERS AND HORNS of the VT Series I Service Information or
Section 12C INSTRUMENTS, WIPERS/WASHERS AND HORNS of the VT Series II Service Information.
NOTE: For additional information regarding TECH 2, refer to Section 12C INSTRUMENTS, WIPERS/WASHERS
AND HORNS of the VT Series I Service Inf ormation and Sect ion 12C INSTRUM ENTS, WIPERS/WASHERS AND
HORNS of the VT Series II Service Information or for more specific information, Section 0C TECH 2 of the VT
Series I Service Information.
Police Mode - Program
NOTE: Police Mode should be programmed during production as should replacement instrument clusters for
vehicles with P.O. 9C1 and A8V.
1. Connect TECH 2 to the DLC, select: Diagnostics / the appropriate Model Year / VT Commodore / Body /
Instrum ent / Tur n Ignition ON and conf irm the inf orm ation displayed by TECH 2 / Progr am / Options and follow
TECH 2 instructions.
2. When ‘Police Mode’ is displayed on the TECH 2 screen, press the Modify soft key and then the Enable soft key.
3. Continue to follow the TECH 2 instructions, press the Program soft key when instructed – Programming
Successful should be displayed.
Speedometer Pulses – Program
The instrument configuration speedom eter pulses must be programm ed into the instrument cluster to compensate
for different tyre sizes.
This procedure does not vary for police vehicles and is as detailed in Section 12C INSTRUMENTS,
WIPERS/WASHERS AND HORNS of the VT Series II Service Information (VT Series I and II).
Police Mode Calibration
NOTE: The following procedures is only applicable to instrum ent clus ters that have been pr ogram m ed to operate in
Police Mode (Police Mode enabled).
Method 1 – Using the trip computer switch
1. Turn ignition OFF
2. Hold down the three buttons on the trip computer; MODE, ▼ and ▲.
3. Turn ignition ON while holding down all three trip computer buttons
4. After three seconds release the MODE button, then release the ▼ and ▲ buttons.
The calibration value (in percentage) and “CAL” will be displayed.
5. The calibration value can now be adjusted up using the ▲ button and down using the ▼ button.
The value using this method can be adjusted in 0.1% increments
6. Once the required percentage value has been programmed, press the MODE button to lock in the calibration
and return to the normal display.
Method 2 – Using TECH 2
1. Connect TECH 2 to the DLC, select: Diagnostics / the appropriate Model Year / VT Commodore / Body /
Instrument / Turn Ignition ON and confirm the information displayed by TECH 2 / Program / Instrument
Configuration and follow TECH 2 instructions.
2. When ‘Speedometer Calibration’ is displayed on the TECH 2 screen, press the Modify soft key, type the
required percentage value (80% - 120%) and press the Enter key.
To enter a value less than 100%, type a 0 before the number; for exam ple to enter 90%, type 090, then press
3. Continue to follow TECH 2 instruc tions , pr ess the Pr ogram s of t key when instruc ted – Pr ogramming Succ es s f ul
should be displayed.