CAUTION 1: To avoid the possibility of scalding, ensure the engine temperature is below 50°
°C before
commencing this operation.
CAUTION 2: Always wear prot ective safety glasses wh en working w ith spring t ype hose clamps. Failure to
do so could result in eye injury.
1. Drain cooling system, refer to 2.1 SERVICE NOTES in Section 6B2 ENGINE COOLING – V8 ENGINE, of the
VT Series I Service Information.
2. Place a suitable container below the engine oil filter (3). Using a suitable oil filter removal spanner, loosen the oil
filter in a counter clockwise direction, then remove the oil filter.
3. Loosen the two hose clamps (4 & 5) securing the two coolant hoses (8 & 9) to the oil cooler assem bly (1) and
remove coolant hoses from assembly.
4. If complete removal of coolant hoses in necessary; remove engine trim covers, refer to 2.15 ENGINE TRIM
COVERS in Section 6A2 ENGINE MECHANICAL, of the VT Series I Service Information.
Loosen hose clam ps (6 & 7) s ecuring the coolant hoses to the inlet m anifold (1) and water pum p (10), r emove
5. Loosen and remove the oil cooler adaptor (2), pull oil cooler assembly from the oil pump body.
Figure 6A2-1