Before p erf orming any Service O p eratio n o r ot her p roced ure describ ed in t his Sect ion , refer t o Sect ion
00 CAUTIONS AND NOTES for correct workshop practices with regard to safety and/or property
The T ECH 2 is a hand- held diagnostic c omputer des igned s pec if ic ally to help you diagnose and repair electronic
systems used on Holden vehicles.
The operation of TECH 2 on V2 Series Models is the same as the operation of TECH 2 on VX Series II Models.
On V2 Series vehicles the PCM does not contain a removable PROM. It uses an EEPROM (Flash Memory)
which is non-removable. The Powertrain Control Module (PCM) is programmed at the factory with the proper
calibrations for vehicle operation.
If the PCM is r eplaced, or an updated calibration is required to corr ect a vehicle's operating condition, the PCM
will have to be programmed with the new calibration. Programming is accomplished through the vehicle Data
Link Connector (DLC) using the TECH 2 Service Programming System (SPS) and the Technical Information
Service (TIS).
With the exception of the Model Year and Vehicle Type selections during the Vehicle Identification process (refer
Figs.0C-1 and 0C-2), all information relating to TECH 2 and SPS for V2 Series Models carries over from VX
Series Models. For information relating to TECH 2 and SPS not provided in this Section, refer to
Section 0C TECH 2 of the VX Series Service Information.
1. Select the correct Model Year (2002) with the
arrow keys and then press ENTER. The
Vehicle Identification screen will then be
Figure 0C-1 TECH 2 Vehicle Identification Menu
2. When selecting the vehicle type select V2
Monaro with the arrow keys and then press
ENTER. The System Select Menu will then be
Figure 0C-2 TECH 2 Vehicle Identification
When diagnosing a V2 Series vehicle electronic system, refer to the following Sections of the Service
Information Package:
Instruments - Refer to Section 12C - INSTRUMENTS, WIPERS/WASHERS & HORN in the VT Series II
Service Information in conjunction with Section 12C - INSTRUMENTS, WIPERS/WASHERS & HORN in
the VT Series I Service Information.
Electronic Climate Contr ol - Refer to Section 2F - AIR CONDITIONING - ECC - DIAGNOSTICS in the VT
Series I Service Information.
Powertrain control module (V6 Supercharged engine) - Refer to Section 6C1-2 - DIAGNOSIS - V6
SUPERCHARGED ENGINE in the VX Series I Service Information.
Powertrain control module (GEN III V8 engine) - Refer to Section 6C3-2 - DIAGNOSIS - GEN III V8
ENGINE in the VX Series I Service Information.
Body control module ( Low Series) - Ref er to Section 12J-1 - LOW SERIES BODY CONTROL MODULE in
the VT Series II Service Inf ormation, in conj unction with Section 12J-1 - LOW SERIES BODY CONTRO L
MODULE in the VT Series I Service Information.
Body control m odule (High Series) - Ref er to Section 12J-2 - HIG H SERIES BODY CONTRO L MODULE
in the VX Series I Service Information.
Supplemental restraint system - Refer to Section 12M - SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM in the
VX Series I Service Information.
Anti-lock brakes & electronic traction control (V6 Supercharged Engine) - Refer to Section 12L - ABS &
ABS/ETC in the VT Series I Service Information.
Anti-lock brakes & electronic traction control (GEN III V8 Engine) - Refer to Section 12L - ABS & ABS/ETC
in the VT Series II Service Information.