With at least 3 litres of LPG in the LPG tank, leak test the complete LPG system following the instructions below
1. Park the vehicle in a dry, well ventilated area.
2. Ensure the vehicle is operating on LPG and run the engine for at least 30 seconds to fully pressurise the
system, then stop the engine.
3. The recommended sequence of testing is as follows:
A. Referring to Figure 2A-5, View A, lift the rear part of the floor trim in the luggage compar tment to acc es s the
valve box, remove the valve box cover and leak test at and around the:
Pressure relief v alve (1).
AFL to LPG tank (2).
AFL inlet elbow to AFL (3).
Rear service line to AFL inlet elbow connection (4).
Solenoid and manual service valve assembly (5).
Solenoid and manual service valve assembly to LPG tank (6).
Rear service line to solenoid and manual service valve assembly connection (7).
Tank fuel gauge assembly (8).
B. Referring to Figure 2A-5, View B: remove the right hand rear wheelhouse liner to gain access to the inner
side of the f iller valve as s embly, refer to Section 1A1 BODY of the VT Series Servic e Manual. Leak tes t at
and around the filler valve connecting pipe to filler line hose (10).
Open filler box door and leak tes t at and around the filler valve c heck ball (11) and f iller line c onnec ting pipe
to the filler valve connection (9).
C. Referring to Figure 2A-5, View C, raise rear of vehicle and support on safety stands, refer to Section 0A
GENERAL INFORMATION of the VT Series Servic e Inform ation CD f or the loc ation of jac k ing points. Leak
test at and around the:
Rear service line (hose) to intermediate service line joiner connection (12).
Intermediate service line to rear service line joiner connector (13).
D. Referring to Figure 2A-5, View D, leak test in the engine compartment at and around the:
Intermediate service line to front service line joiner connection (14).
Front service line to intermediate service line joiner connection (15).
E. Referring to Figure 2A-5, View E, leak test in the engine compartment at and around the:
Front service line to lockoff inlet connection (16).
Lockoff inlet connection to lockoff (17).
Lockoff to lockoff outlet connection (18).
Lockoff outlet connection to converter (19).
Lockoff (20, 21, 22).
Converter mounting faces (23).
At the completion of the leak test, close the manual service valve, start the engine and run the engine until all the
LPG in the service line is exhausted. W ith the engine stopped, switch to ‘petrol’ and start the engine. The vehicle
can now be driven into the workshop.
The vehic le cannot be oper ated on LPG in the workshop unles s the work s hop is a “Spec ialis t Gas Work s hop” , refer
to Australian Standard AS 2746 - 1985.