W hile this operation is not norm ally necessary with
original equipment tyres, when replaced, match
mounting is recommended to obtain optimum
vehicle handling and performance.
If tyre/wheel assembly run-out is excessive, mark
the location of the high and low spot on the tyre
and the wheel. The next st ep will be to deter m ine if
the run-out problem exists in the tyre, wheel, or a
combination of both, then to correct it. The
procedure us ed to accom plish this is called m atch-
mounting or system matching.
1. Place a mark on the tyre sidewall (1) at the
location of the valve stem (3). This will be
referred to as the 12:00 o’clock position. The
location of the high spot (A) will always be
referred to in relation to its clock position on
the wheel.
2. Mount the tyre wheel assembly on a tyre
machine and break down the bead. Do not
dismount the tyre from the wheel at this time.
3. Rotate the tyre 180° on the rim so the valve
stem referenc e m ark (2) is now at 6:00 o’clock
in relation to the valve stem itself. Inflate the
tyre and make sure the bead is seated
properly. You may have to lube the bead to
easily rotate the tyre on the wheel.
4. Install the assembly on the tyre balancer and
again measure the run-out. Mark the new
location of the run-out high point (B) on the
If the run-out is now within tolerance, no further
steps are necessary. The tyre may be balanced
and installed on the vehicle.
Alternatively, if the clock location of the high spot
(B) remained at or near the clock location of the
original high spot (A) (as in Figure 10-14), the
wheel is the major contributor to the run-out
problem. It should be measured for excessive run-
out, as detailed in 2.6 CHECKING WHEEL RUN-
OUT and replaced if found to exceed specification.
If the high spot is now at or near a position 180°
(6.00 o’clock ) f rom the or iginal high spot, the tyre is
the major contributor (as in Figure 10-15) and
should be replaced.
Always remeas ure the tyr e/wheel as sembly run-out
after replacing the tyre and make sure the run-out
is within tolerance befor e continuing. In the m ajority
of cases, the first 180° rotation of the tyre will either
correct the run-out problem or indicate which
component to replace.
If the high spot is between the two extremes, then
both the tyre and wheel are contributing to the run-
out. Try rotating the tyre an additional 90° in both
the clockwise (9.00 o’clock) and anti-clockwise (3
o’clock) directions, measuring the run-out after
each rotation.
Figure 10-14 Wheel is the Major Contributing Factor
Figure 10-15 Tyre is the Major Contributing Factor
If run-out cannot be corrected by match-mounting,
then the tyre must be removed and the wheel run-
out measured, as detailed in the next Operation.
Once run-out has been brought within the
tolerance, the tyre/wheel assembly should be