Click on the button for more information. CAUTION:
This vehicle will be equipped with a Supplemental Restraint System (SRS). An SRS
will consist of either seat belt pre-tensioners and a driver's side air bag, or seat belt
pre-tensioners and a driver's and front passenger's side air bags. Refer to
CAUTIONS, Section 12M, before performing any service operation on or around any
SRS components, the steering mechanism or wiring. Failure to follow the CAUTIONS
could result in SRS d eployment, result ing in po ssible person al injury or unnecessary
SRS system repairs.
This vehicle may be equipped with LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas. In the interests of
safety, the LPG fuel system should be isolated by turning OFF the manual service
valve an d then draining the LPG service lines, bef ore any service work is carried out
on the vehicle. Refer to the LPG leaflet included with the Owner's Handbook for
details or LPG Section 2 for more specific servicing information.
Whenever any component that forms part of the ABS or ABS/ETC (if fitted), is
disturbed during Service Operations, it is vital that the complete ABS or ABS/ETC
system is checked, using the procedure as detailed in 4. DIAGNOSIS, ABS or
Independent rear sus pension is fitted as s tandard equipment on all VT Series vehicles and all are fitted with a final
drive assembly, production option GU4. This assembly has a four pinion type rear differential assembly. The ring
gear diam eter for V6 engined m odels, is 190.5 m m and for V8 and V6 supercharged, engined m odels, is 205 mm .
The final drive ratio for V6 engined models is 3.08:1 and for V8 and V6 supercharged, engined models, is 3.07:1.
Production option G80, Limited Slip Differential (LSD), (also referred to as Spin Resistant Differential - SRD) is
available on all models . While the m ajority of illustrations shown in this Sec tion relate to vehicles fitted with the ABS
braking system, service procedures are the same for vehicles equipped with standard brakes, unless noted.
The final drive assem bly is m ounted directly to a crossm ember which is rubber mounted to the vehicle underbody.
The differential case and drive pinion are m ounted in opposed taper roller bearings in the carrier. Differential case
side bearing pre-load adjustm ent is pr ovided by s crew adjusters in the sides of the c ase. Pinion bearing pre-load is
provided by a collapsible spacer. Torque is transferred from the propeller shaft to the final drive assembly via the
pinion flange which is splined to the hypoid pinion. The torque is then transferred from the pinion through the ring
gear, differential case, differential pinion cross shafts, differential pinions, side gears and then via splines, to the
inner axle shafts and drive shafts.
The Limited Slip Differential performs the same functions as the conventional type differential but in addition,
transfers driving force to the wheel with traction, should the opposite wheel begin to spin.
The differential case houses two cone type clutches behind the side gears that, with V6 models, are splined to the
inner axle shafts and their tapered faces contact corresponding faces in the differential case.
The cones for V8 and V6 supercharged models however, form an integral part of the side gears. The four pinion
type Limited Slip Dif fer ential has three pr e-load springs enc los ed in the centr e of the pinion c r oss s haf t. T he Limited
Slip Diff erential directs the m ajor driving f orce to the wheel with the greater amount of traction, but will not interf ere
with steering characteristic s or dif ferential action. T he partial locking ac tion, due to the spring load on the cones, is
automatically increased by the inherent separating forces between the side gears and pinions, which progressively
increases the resistance in the differential as applied torque is increased.