A history Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) is one that was a current trouble code at some point previously, however,
the fault that caused the diagnostic trouble code to be logged is no longer present. The way to identify whether a
DTC is current or history is to look at the DTC history information parameter "IGN CYCLES" the number is 0 the
DTC is current, any other number means it's a history DTC. The history diagnostic trouble code can be flashed out
on the "Check Powertrain" lamp by earthing the data link connector terminal "6". The diagnostic trouble code can
also be displayed on the Tech 2 scan tool by pressing the proper button at the appropriate menu. Use of the
diagnostic trouble code charts to find the cause of the problem for the history diagnostic trouble code may lead to
replacement of good components. Whenever a history code is set refer to Section 6C1-2B SYMPTOMS section
and also look at the "Diagnostic Aids" listed above the diagnostic trouble codes for criteria to set the DTC. History
diagnostic trouble codes are usually caused by intermittent conditions.
When a DTC is set, up to ten (10) parameters will always be stored with it. The first four (4) parameters are:
1 Times occurred - number (#) of DTC occurrences.
2. "Ignition cycles" - since DTC last appeared.
3. "Engine speed" - RPM when DTC set and,
4. "Times from start" - how long the engine had been running when the DTC set.
Depending upon the DTC, up to 6 additional parameters that are related to this specific DTCs are also stored, for
example, if DTC 22 TP sensor signal voltage high were set, the variable parameters would be: TPS voltage, mass
air flow, battery voltage, reference voltage and RH LTFT.
Based upon this information that is stored in DTC history information, the technician can obtain the DTC criteria
when the DTC set and should be able to get the DTC to become current again by repeating the criteria.
The provision for communicating with the PCM is the Data Link Connector (DLC). It is attached to the instrument
panel lower right hand trim, directly beneath the steering column. It is used in the assembly plant to receive
information in checking that the engine and transmission are operating properly before they leave the plant. The
diagnostic trouble code(s) stored in the PCM's memory can be read either through a Tech 2 scan tool, (a handheld
diagnostic scanner plugged into the DLC), or by counting the number of flashes of the (MIL) "Check Powertrain"
lamp when the diagnostic "test" terminal of the DLC is earthed. The DLC terminal "6" (diagnostic "test" terminal) is
the sixth terminal from the right of the DLC top row. The diagnostic "test" terminal is most easily earthed by
connecting it to terminal "5" (internal PCM earth). The terminal "5" is to the left of terminal "6" on the top row of the
Once terminals "5" and "6" have been connected, the ignition switch must be moved to the "ON" position, with the
engine not running. At this point, the (MIL) "Check Powertrain" lamp should flash Diagnostic Trouble Code 12 three
times consecutively. This would be the following flash sequence: "flash, pause, flash flash, long pause, flash, pause,
flash-flash, long pause, flash, pause, flash flash." Diagnostic Trouble Code 12 indicates that are no reference
pulses coming to the PCM and that the PCM's diagnostic system is operating. If Diagnostic Trouble Code 12 is not
indicated, a problem is present within the diagnostic system itself, and should be addressed by consulting the "On
Board Diagnostic System Check" chart in this section.
Following the output of Diagnostic Trouble Code 12, the (MIL) "Check Powertrain" lamp will indicate a diagnostic
trouble code three times if a diagnostic trouble code is present, or it will simply continue to output Diagnostic
Trouble Code 12. If more than one diagnostic trouble code has been stored in the PCM's memory, the diagnostic
trouble codes will be output from the lowest to the highest, with each diagnostic trouble code being displayed three