How do you know which wires are earth wires,
which connectors they go through, and whether
they are connected to an earth junction or the
Section 12P, WIRING DIAGRAMS should be
used whenever you are diagnosing any electrical
condition, including earths. The individual circuits
show the power and earth circuits for components
in specific systems.
If you suspect several c irc uits are being affec ted by
a poor or a back-feed to earth, look at the circuits
to see how the systems m ight interact. If they have
any common earth wires, that is where you should
start diagnosis.
Back-feeding is when cur rent, seeking earth, f eeds
back through inactive circ uits (the reverse dir ection
of norm al current flow) to find a path to earth. T his
can only happen when the active circuit (needing
an earth) shares a disconnected or poor earth with
an inactive circuit and the voltage supply side of the
inactive circuit feeds other components with good
Some solid-state components use redundant earth
circuits; that is, they have more than one wire
connecting to earth. The PCM has more than one
earth circuit wire. There are several reasons for
redundant earths.
The PCM has many low-current circuits, but the
current from all these circuits (when they are
active) adds up to a larger current. Higher current
loads are managed more easily with several regular
size wires, rather than with one large diam eter wire.
Basic circuit theory shows that the effective
resistance of parallel resistors is less than any of
the individual resistors. This is true for even the
small resistance's in wires. Parallel wires provide
the lowest resistance. Because of them, in many
solid-s tate system s a problem with one of the ear th
wires would not affect the circuit; the redundant
wires could handle the cur rent load. F or other s olid-
state systems the loss of even one redundant earth
may affect operation, but the remaining earth
wire(s) may allow the vehicle to be driven.
Here is one exam ple which can prove to be diff icult
to a driveability technician. Symptom : A vehicle has
driveability symptoms. Whenever a scan tool is
hooked up and the vehicle tested, none of the
complaint symptoms are displayed.
Cause: The PCM earths are not providing a good
earth, hence the resulting driveability condition.
When a scan tool is plugged in, a good earth path
is provided for the PCM through the Data Link
Connector (DLC). The DLC uses a different earth
than the PCM. Always test for driveability
symptoms before hooking up a scan tool. If they
disappear when the scan tool is hooked up, check
the earth circuit for continuity.
The severity of the symptom(s) is proportional to
the severity of the problem in the earth circuit. A
complete open in the circuit has the most severe
effect. Use the severity of the symptom(s) as an
indication of the extent of the open in the earth
1 1 1 1
-------- = ------- + ------- + ------- + …
R Total R 1 R 2 R 3
1 1 1
-------- = ------- + -------
R Total 1 1 2 2
1 2 1
-------- = ------- + -------
R Total 2 2
1 3
-------- = -------
R Total 2
R Total = ------- W
Figure 6C1-2B-5