This vehicle will be equipped with a Supplemental Restraint System (SRS). A SRS will consist of either
seat belt pre-tensioners and a driver's air bag, seat belt pre-tensioners and a driver's and front
passenger's air b ags or seat belt pre- tensioners, driv er’s and front passenger’s air bag and left and right
hand side air bags. Refer to SAFETY PRECAUTIONS, Section 12M, Supplemental Restraint System in this
Service Information before performing any service operation on, or around any SRS components, the
steering mechanism or wiring. Failure to follow the SAFETY PRECAUTIONS could result in SRS
deployment, resulting in possible personal injury or unnecessary SRS system repairs.
This vehicle may be equipped with LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas). In the interests of safety, the LPG fuel
system should be isolated by turning ‘OFF’ the manual service valve and then draining the LPG service
lines, before any service work is carried out on the vehicle. Refer to the LPG leaflet included with the
Owner's Handbook for details or the appropriate Section of this Service CD for more specific servicing
Whenever any component that forms part of the ABS or ABS/ETC (if fitted), is disturbed during Service
Operations, it is vital that the complete ABS or ABS/ETC system is checked, using the procedure as
detailed in 4. DIAGNOSIS, ABS or ABS/ET C FUNCT ION CHECK, in Section 12L ABS & ABS/ETC, of the VT
Series I Service Information or the VT Series II Service Information.
With the introduction of VT Series II vehicles, a revised design steering rack is fitted. The revised design
incorporates the pinion rotary valve housing as a single piece casting integral with the steering rack body casting.
This single piece casting steering rack is only used on those vehicles fitted with the standard power steering.
As the remainder of service operations are the same as those published in Section 9A STEERING and
Section 9B SPEED SENSITIVE POWER STEERING of the VT Series I Service Information, refer to these Sections
for all operations not described here.
Essentially, the service item s covered in this Sec tion relate to the new design steering rack and the power steering
pump and fluid cooler, as fitted to the GEN III V8 engine.
While the operation of the revised designpower steering gear remains unchanged, this general description is
included, to provide a more complete service operation description.
The power steering gear features a variable ratio rack and pinion that is m ade possible by the unique design of the
rack teeth. This means that the effective pitch radius of the pinion is less in the straight ahead position than on
turns. T his results in less turns being required fr om loc k to lock . For ex ample, 3.5 turns would be required if the ‘on
centre’ ratio was used from lock to lock, whereas only 2.7 turns are required with this rack design.
Referring to Figure 9A-1, the helical toothed pinion (8) is supported in the steering gear housing (2) by a needle
roller bearing (13) at the upper end, a ball race (14) at the lower and a roller bearing (17) at the upper end of the
pinion teeth.
The rack (16) operates within the housing and is supported at one end by a rack bearing and at the other end by the
pinion (8) and a spring loaded pad (15), which maintains slack free adjustment of the rack (16) with the pinion (8).
The tie rods ar e connected to each end of the rack by pre-ass embled ball j oints and to the steering arm s by tie rod
end ball joints.