7. If the motor does not park, remove all jumper
wires and reconnect the rear wiper motor
harness connector.
8. Replace the rear wiper park relay with a known
good relay. If the wiper arm returns to the park
position and stops, the rear wiper park relay is
faulty and must be replaced. If the wiper arm
does not return to the park position and stop,
the rear wiper m otor inter nal contacts are f aulty
and the motor must be replaced.
NOTE: If a known good relay is not available,
continue with steps 9 through to 13.
9. Turn the ignition switch to the OFF position with
the rear wiper arm in the centre of its stroke.
10. Remove the connector block from the rear
wiper park relay on the rear wiper motor
mounting bracket.
11. Connect a jumper wire between terminal 30
and terminal 87a.
12. Turn the ignition to the on position.
13. If the wiper arm returns to the par k position and
stops, the rear wiper park relay is faulty and
must be replaced. If the wiper arm does not
return to the park position and stop, the rear
wiper motor inter nal contacts are faulty and the
motor must be replaced.
Figure 12C-21
1. Remove rear wiper arm, refer to
2.2 REAR WIPER ARM in this Section.
2. Remove tailgate interior trim panel, refer
TAILGATE in the VT Series I Service
3. Use a jumper lead connected between battery
earth and the wiper mounting br ac k et and earth
lead (Brown wire).
4. Using a second jumper lead connected to
battery positive, touch jumper lead terminal to
Blue wire terminal of wiper motor connector.
Drive spindle of motor should rotate. If drive
spindle does not rotate, motor is faulty and
must be replaced.
Figure 12C-22