Figure 4A-5
Inspection of the multi-link control arm may be required
in the following circumstances:
• Poor handling.
• Uneven tyre wear.
A visual inspection of the multi-link control arm should
be perfor med with the arm installed to the vehicle. The
following conditions would require replacement of the
multi-link control arm or some of its components:
• Bent or damaged shafts.
• Bent or damaged adjusting shaft.
• Excessive play in the ball joint.
• Excessive play in the inner bush.
• Damaged ball joint boot. Legend
1. Ball joint retaining nut
2. Multi-link control arm outer shaft
3. Outer adjuster lock nut
4. Adjusting shaft
5. Inner adjuster lock nut
6. Multi-link control arm inner shaft
7. Multi-link control arm inner bush
8. Multi-link control arm to rear suspension crossmember
retaining bolt
1. Using a floor jack under the centre of the
differential carrier, jack up rear of vehicle then
place safety stands under trailing arms to support
weight of vehicle.
2. If multi-link control arm is being disassembled,
measure and record the length of the adjusting
shaft between the lock nuts.
3. Loos en multi- link contr ol arm ball j oint retaining nut
until level with the top of the ball joint stud.
4. Using special tool No. E-9332-A (1), tighten the
lever forcing screw (2) to press the ball joint stud
free from the taper in the semi trailing arm and
remove ball joint retaining nut.
5. Remove the multi-link control arm to rear
suspension crossmember retaining nut and bolt.
6. Carefully manoeuvre the multi-link control arm
from the vehicle.
NOTE: The following fasteners MUST be replaced
when performing this operation:
Multi-link control arm ball joint to semi trailing
arm attaching nut.
Multi-link control arm to rear suspension
crossmember attaching nut.
Figure 4A-6