Automatic Transmission – 4L60E – Electrical Diagnosis Page 7C2–40
3.3 Tech 2 Data Definitions
displays the difference between the desired 1-2 shift time and the actual 1-2 shift time
or fast shift and the actual shift time was shorter than the desired shift time. A neg
shift and the actual shift time was long
1-2 Shift Error: This parameter . A
positive number indicates a firm ative
number indicates a soft or slow er than the desired shift time. This value is only
accurate if the shift was adaptabl
1-2 Shift Time: This parameter m.
drop after the commanded 1-2 s
1his param of transmission adaptive press ure (TAP), based on 17 Nm of
engine torque increment p cel t. A positive number
indicates that long shifts have been d hift time. A
negative number indicates that rt
increase shift time.
2-3 Shift Error: This parameter displ time. A
positive number indicates a firm fa
number indicates a soft or slow ift,
accurate if the shift was adaptable.
2-3 Shift Time: This parameter e r.p.m
drop after the commanded
2-3 TAP Cell (1-17): This param of
engine torque increment p cel
indicates that long shifts have b
negative number indicates that enoid pressure has been subtracted to
increase shift time.
3-4 Shift Error: This parameter displa
positive number indicates a firm fa
number indicates a soft or slow shift,
accurate if the shift was adaptable.
3-4 Shift Time: This parameter display
drop after the commanded 3-4 shift. T
3-4 TAP Cell (1-17): This parameter of
engine torque increment per cell, add er
indicates that long shifts have been detected and PC solenoid pressure has been added to decrease shift time. A
negative number indicates that rt
increase shift time.
A/C Clutch: This parameter displays
AT Input Speed: This paramete isp t
shaft speed. Tech 2 displays inp t sh
AT Output Speed: This parameter di output shaft. Tech 2 displays output
haft speed as revolutions per minute (RPM).
Commanded Gear: This parameter displays the current commanded state of the shift solenoid valves. Tech 2 displays
1, 2, 3 or 4.
Current TAP Cell: This parameter displays the current transmission adaptive pressure (TAP) cell in use for transmission
line pressure adaptation. The cells are based on 17 Nm of engine torque. The higher the engine torq ue, the higher the
current TAP cell. The last cell used will remai n displa yed until the next adaptable upshift occurs.
Engine Coolant Temperature: This parameter displays the input signal from the engine coolant temperate (ECT )
sensor. ECT is high at 151°C when the signal voltage is low, 0 V. ECT is low at -40°C when the signal voltage is high,
5 V.
Engine Speed: This parameter displays the rotational speed of the eng ine expressed as revolutions per minute.
Engine Torque: This parameter displays the calcul ated value based on engine load, throttle position, mass air flow, and
other engine inputs. This parameter is accurate to within 20 Nm of actual measured engine torque.
Estimated Gear Ratio: This parameter displays the estimated turbine speed divided by the transmission output speed.
Estimated turbine speed is calculate d from engine speed and engine torque.
Ignition Voltage: This parameter displays the system voltage measured at the ignition feed.
Latest Shift: This parameter displays the actual time of the last upshift. This value is only accurate if the shift was
displays the actual time of the last 1-2 shift. The shift time is based on the engine r.p.
hift. This value is only accurate if the shift was adaptable.
eter displays the amount -2 TAP Cell (1-17): Ter l, added to or subtracted from shift pressure during a 1-2 upshif
etected and PC solenoid pressure has been added to decrease s
sho shifts have been detect ed and PC solenoid pressure has bee n subtracted to
ays the difference between the desired 2-3 shift time and the actual 2-3 shift
or st shift, the actual shift time was shorter than the desired shift time. A negative
sh the actual shift time was longer than the desired shift time. This value is only
displays the actual time of the last 2-3 shift. The shift time is based on the engin
2-3 shift. This value is only accurate if the shift was adaptable.
eter displays the amount of transmission adaptive pressure (TAP), based on 17 Nm
er l, added to or subtracted from shift pressure during a 2-3 upshift. A positive number
een detected and PC solenoid pressure has been added to decrease shift time. A
short shifts have been detected and PC sol
ys the difference between the desired 3-4 shift time and the actual 3-4 shift time. A
or st shift, the actual shift time was shorter than the desired shift time. A negative
the actual shift time was longer than the desired shift time. This value is only
s the actual time of the last 3-4 shift. The shift time is based on the engine r.p.m.
his value is only accurate if the shift was adaptable.
displays the amount of transmission adaptive pressure (TAP), based on 17 Nm
ed to or subtracted from shift pressure during a 3-4 upshift. A positive numb
sho shifts have been detect ed and PC solenoid pressure has bee n subtracted to
the condition of the airconditioning compress or as either On or Off.
r d lays the rotational speed of the turbine shaft rotor, translating to transmission inpu
u aft speed as revolutions per minute (RPM).
splays the rotational speed of the transmission
Page 7C2–40