Automatic Transmission – 4L65E – Electrical Diagnosis Page 7D2–37
PCS Actual Current: Thi ara
measured by the control module
PCS Duty Cycle: This paramet control solenoid, expressed as a
percentage of energised on ti me. A readin w. A
high percent at idle indica ma
PCS Desired Current: This par the pressure control solenoid circuit. High
current results in low line pressure. Low current results in high line pressure.
Shift Pattern: This parameter displ ion is in.
Shift Solenoid A: This paramet dis
is in 1st and 4th gear, the display shou in
2nd and 3rd gear, the display should in
Shift Solenoid A Circuit: This ram is
o id va fe
Shift Solenoid B: This parameter disp on
is in 1st and 4th gear, the display in
2nd and 3rd gear, the display should in
Shift Solenoid B Circuit: This ram s
okay in the 2-3 shift solenoid valve fe
Speed Ratio: This parameter displays the calcul on.
TCC Duty Cycle Circuit: This p ram
okay in the TCC PWM solenoid valv e
TCC Solenoid: This parameter displa
energised state; current is flowing thr commanded non-energised state; current is not
flowing through the solenoid. Th
TCC Slip Speed: This parameter dis d engine speed. A
negative value indicates the e ngi
engine speed is greater th the e
output speed, TCC applied.
TCC PWM Solenoid: This para high
percentage represents an on, e
Tte ispl Invalid. This parameter
is the decoded status of the three A/B/C inputs from the automatic transmission fluid pressure manual valve position
switch. If a valid combination of ut
TFP Swi A/B/C: This parameter displ es
of the three inputs from the automatic transmi bly.
Throttle Position: This parame r di
the actual throttle position, used to optimis intended requested for
torque or acceleration. The rang sents a request for
w ttle (WOT).
Torque Con he
spee y a value related to actor’ is the looseness or tightness of the
torque converter for a given torqu e. The nearer the torque converter is to full coupling, i.e. 1:1, the closer the torque
converter efficiency number will be to 1.
TR Switch A/B/C/P: This parameter displays the status of the four inputs from the transmission rang e switch. Tech 2
displays Open 12V / Closed 0 V. Open 12 V indicates an ignitio n voltage input to the control module. Closed 0 V
indicates a zero voltage input to the control module.
Transmission Fluid Temperature: This parameter displays the input signal of the transmission fluid temperature
sensor. Transmission fluid temperature is high, 151°C, when signal voltage is low, 0 V. Transmission fluid temperature is
low, -40°C, when signal voltage is high, 5 V.
Transmission Hot Mode: This parameter displays the automatic transmission fluid temperature (TFT) and displays On
or Off. Off indicates the TFT has not exceeded 130°C. On indic ates the T FT has exceeded 130°C and has not cooled to
120°C for greater than 5 seconds. These numbers are approximate and differ with transmissions.
Vehicle Speed: This paramet er displays the speed at which the vehicle is travelling. Tech 2 displays vehicle speed as
kilometres per hour (km/h). The vehicle s peed is calculates based on the input signal from the automati c transmission
output shaft speed sensor.
s p meter displays the current flow through the pressure control solenoid circuit, which is
. High current flow results in low line pressure. Low current flow results in high line
er displays the commanded state of the pressure
g of low percent indicates zero on time, non-energised, or no current flo
tes ximum on time, energised, or high current flow.
ameter displays the commanded current of
ays Normal, Power or Cruise depending on what mode the transmiss
er plays the commanded state of the 1-2 shift solenoid valve. When the transmission
ld indicate On; current is flowing through the solenoid. When the transmission is
dicate Off; current is not flowing through the solenoid.
pa eter displays whether an open or a short to ground, short to battery or the circuit
lve edback signal. The 1-2 shift solenoi d valve must be commanded off and on. kay in the 1-2 shift soleno
lays the commanded state of the 2-3 shift solenoid valve. When the transmissi
should indicate On; current is flowing through the solenoid. When the transmission is
dicate Off; current is not flowing through the solenoid.
pa eter displays whether an open or a short to ground, short to battery or the circuit i
edback signal. The 2-3 shift solenoid valve must be commanded off and on.
ated speed ratio of the transmissi
a eter displays whether an open or a short to ground, short to battery or the circuit is
feedback signal. The TCC PWM solenoid valve must be commanded off and on.
ys the commanded sate of the TCC solenoid. On indicates a commanded
ough the solenoid. Off indicates a
is commanded state occurs at various vehicle speeds between applications.
plays the difference be tween transmission output speed an
ne speed is less than the output speed, deceleration. A positive value indic ates the
an output speed, acceleration. A value of zero indicates the engine speed is equal to th
meter displays the commanded percentage of on time for the TCC PWM solenoid. A
nergised, commanded state.0 percent represents an off, non-energised, commanded
FP Gear: This parame r d a ys Park/Neutral, Reverse, Drive4, Drive3, Drive2, Drive1 or
inp s is not detected, invalid will be displayed.
ays Open 12 V / Closed 0 V for each switch. This parameter indicates the statu
ssion fluid pressure manual valve positio n switch assem
te splays a calculated value, which is determined by the accelerator pedal position and
e transmission controls. It represents the driver’s
e is 0-100%, 0% represents an idle or coast request and 100% repre
ide open thro
verter Efficiency:
d ratio b This parameter displays a ratio of 0.00:1 to 2:1. The ratio is calculates by multiplying t
the ‘K factor’ of the torque converter. The ‘K f
Page 7D2–37