Automatic Transmission – 5L40-E – Hydraulic and Mechanical Diagnosis Page 7E3–1
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Section 7E3
Hydra-Matic 5L40-E – Automatic Transmission: –
Hydraulic/Mechanical Diagnosis
Before performing any Service Operation or other procedure described in this Section, refer to Section 00
Warnings, Cautions and Notes for correct workshop practices with regard to safety and/or property damage.
1 General Information ...............................................................................................................................4
1.1 How to Use This Section....................................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Transmission General Description....................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Transmission Definitions and Abbreviations...................................................................................................... 6
Throttle Positions .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Shift Conditions Definitions .................................................................................................................................. 6
Noise Conditions ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Transmission Abbreviations................................................................................................................................. 7
2 Diagnosis ................................................................................................................................................8
2.1 Basic Knowledge Required................................................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Functional Test Procedure.................................................................................................................................... 9
Functional Test Procedure Chart ......................................................................................................................... 9
2.3 Transmission Fluid Level, Check and Correct.................................................................................................. 11
2.4 Line Pressure Check ........................................................................................................................................... 12
2.5 Road Test Procedure........................................................................................................................................... 14
Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................... 14
Electrical Function Check................................................................................................................................... 15
Upshift Control and Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) Apply............................................................................. 16
Preliminary Checks: ......................................................................................................................................... 16
Part Throttle Detent Do wnshift ......................................................................................................................... 17
Full Throttle Detent Downshift.......................................................................................................................... 17
Manual Downshifts........................................................................................................................................... 18
Coasting Downshifts......................................................................................................................................... 18
Manual Gear Range Selection ......................................................................................................................... 19
2.6 Torque Converter Diagnosis Procedure............................................................................................................ 20
Torque Converter Stator ..................................................................................................................................... 20
Poor Acceleration at Low Speed...................................................................................................................... 20
Poor Acceleration at High Speed ..................................................................................................................... 20
Noise..................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Torque Converter Clutch Shudder..................................................................................................................... 21
If Shudder Occurs During TCC Apply or Release ............................................................................................ 21
If Shudder Occurs After TCC has Applied........................................................................................................ 21
2.7 Torque Converter / Flexplate Vibration Test...................................................................................................... 23
Isolating Vibration................................................................................................................................................ 23
Indexing Torque Converter................................................................................................................................. 24
2.8 Noise and Vibration Analysis.............................................................................................................................. 25
2.9 Clutch Plate Diagnosis........................................................................................................................................ 26
Composition Plate Surface ................................................................................................................................. 26
Steel Plate Surface............................................................................................................................................... 26
Causes of Burned Clutch Plates....................................................................................................................... 26
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2.10 Engine Coolant in Transmission........................................................................................................................ 27
2.11 Fluid Leak Diagnosis and Repair........................................................................................................................ 28
Methods for Locating Leaks ............................................................................................................................... 28
General Method................................................................................................................................................ 28
Powder Method................................................................................................................................................ 28
Dye and Black Light Method ............................................................................................................................ 28
Find the Cause of the Leak ................................................................................................................................. 29
Gaskets:........................................................................................................................................................... 29
Seals:............................................................................................................................................................... 29
Possible Points of Fluid Leaks........................................................................................................................... 30
Transmission Fluid Pan.................................................................................................................................... 30
Case Leak........................................................................................................................................................ 30
Leak at the Torque Converter End................................................................................................................... 30
Leak at the Vent............................................................................................................................................... 30
Case Porosity Repair........................................................................................................................................... 32
2.12 Shift Solenoid Leak Test ..................................................................................................................................... 33
2.13 Range Reference Chart ....................................................................................................................................... 34
3 Symptoms Diagnosis...........................................................................................................................35
3.1 Symptoms Diagnosis Table................................................................................................................................ 35
3.2 Diagnostic Tables................................................................................................................................................ 37
Automatic Transmission Overheating ............................................................................................................... 37
Buzz Noise or High Frequency Rattle Sound.................................................................................................... 37
Degraded 1–2 and 2–1 Shifts.............................................................................................................................. 37
Degraded 2–3 and 3–2 Shifts.............................................................................................................................. 38
Degraded 4–5 Shift .............................................................................................................................................. 38
Drives with Selector Lever in Position N........................................................................................................... 38
Fifth Gear Only..................................................................................................................................................... 38
First and Second Gears Only.............................................................................................................................. 39
First Gear Only..................................................................................................................................................... 39
First, Fourth and Fifth Gears Only...................................................................................................................... 39
Fluid Pressure High or Low ................................................................................................................................ 40
Harsh Shift 4–5, or 5–4 ........................................................................................................................................ 41
Harsh Shift D–R.................................................................................................................................................... 41
Harsh Shifts.......................................................................................................................................................... 42
Harsh Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) Apply.................................................................................................... 42
Inaccurate Shift Points........................................................................................................................................ 43
No Drive in All Ranges ........................................................................................................................................ 43
No Engagement of Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) ......................................................................................... 44
No Engine Braking............................................................................................................................................... 44
No Engine Braking in First Gear......................................................................................................................... 45
No Engine Braking in First, Second and Third Gear......................................................................................... 45
No Engine Braking in Second Gear.................................................................................................................... 45
No Engine Braking in Third Gear........................................................................................................................ 46
No Fifth Gear........................................................................................................................................................ 46
No First Gear........................................................................................................................................................ 46
No Fourth Gear or Slips in Fourth Gear............................................................................................................. 47
No Reverse or Slips in Reverse.......................................................................................................................... 47
No Second Gear................................................................................................................................................... 47
No Third Gear....................................................................................................................................................... 48
Noise in Random Ranges.................................................................................................................................... 48
Popping Noise...................................................................................................................................................... 48
Power Mode Switch / Indicator Always On or Inoperative ............................................................................... 48
Second and Third Gears Only............................................................................................................................. 48
Slips or Shudders in First Gear.......................................................................................................................... 49
Slips while Shifting.............................................................................................................................................. 49
Whine Noise Varying with RPM or Fluid Pressure............................................................................................ 49
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4 5L40-E Shift Speed Charts ..................................................................................................................50
4.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................... 50
4.2 Shift Patterns – All With 3.6L Alloytec190 Engine ............................................................................................ 51
5 Power / Fluid Flow and Circuit Descriptions.....................................................................................53
6 Special Tools ........................................................................................................................................54
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1 General Information
1.1 How to Use This Section
This Section contains the procedures for diagnosing the hydraulic / mechanical aspects of the Hydra-matic 5L40–E
automatic transmission. However, before diagnosing any problem with the 5L40 –E transmission, ALWAYS begin with the
Functional Test Procedure detailed in this Section.
After the cause of the problem has been determined,
refer to Section 7E4 Automatic Transmission – 5L40-E – On-Vehicle Servicing for the necessary procedures.
Alternatively, if the condition is considered to be electrical / electronic in nature then
refer to Section 7E2 Automatic Transmission 5L40-E – Electrical Diagnosis.
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1.2 Transmission General Description
The Hydra-matic 5L40–E is a fully automatic, five speed, rear wheel drive, electronically controlled transmission. It
consists primarily of a four-ele ment torque converter, one planetar y gear set, friction and mechanical clutches and a
hydraulic pressurisation and control system.
Refer to Section 7E1 Automatic Transmission – 5L4 0-E – General Information for further detail.
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1.3 Transmission Definitions and
The following Definitions and Abbreviations are provided to establish a common la nguage for describing transmission
related conditions. Taking the few minutes to read this information may easily overcome unnecess ary waste of time by
being familiar with the terminology used within this Diagnosis Section.
Throttle Positions
Engine Braking – A condition where the engine is used to slo w the vehicle by manually downshifting during a zero
throttle coastdown.
Full Throttle Detent Downshift – A quick apply of the accelerator pedal to its full travel, forcing a downshift.
Heavy Throttle – Approximately 3/4 of accelerator pedal travel – 75 % throttle position.
Light Throttle – Approximately 1/4 of accelerator pedal travel – 25 % throttle position.
Medium Throttle – Approximately 1/2 of accelerator pedal t ravel – 50 % throttle position.
Minimum Throttle – The least amount of throttle opening required for an upshift.
Wide Open Throttle (WOT) – Full travel of the accelerator pedal – 100 % throttle position.
Zero Throttle Coastdown – A full release of the accelerator pedal while the vehicle is in motion and in drive range.
Shift Conditions Definitions
Bump – A sudden and forceful apply of a clutch or a band.
Chuggle – A bucking or jerking. This condition may be most noticeable when the converter clutch is engaged. It is
similar to the feel of towing a trailer.
Delayed – A condition where a shift is expected but does not occur for a period of time. This could be described as a
clutch or band engagement that does not occur as quickly as expected during a part throttle or wide open throttle apply
of the accelerator, or during manual downshifting to a lower range. This term is also defined as ‘Late’ or ‘Extended’.
Double Bump Double Feel – Two sudden and forceful applies of a clutch or a band.
Early – A condition where the shift occurs before the vehicle has reached proper speed. This condition tends to labour
the engine after the upshift.
End Bump – A firmer feel at the end of a shift than at the start of the shift. This is also defined as ‘End Feel’ or ‘Slip
Firm – A noticeably quick apply of a clutch or band that is considered normal with a medium to heavy throttle. This apply
should not be confused with ‘Harsh’ or ‘Rou gh’.
Flare – A quick increase in engine rpm along with a momentary loss of torque. This most generally occurs during a shift.
This condition is also defined as ‘Sli pping’.
Harsh Rough – A more noticeable apply of a clutch or band than ‘Firm’. This condition is considered undesirable at
any throttle position.
Hunting – A repeating quick series of upshifts and downshifts that causes a noticeab le change in engine rpm, such as a
4–3–4 shift pattern. This condition is also defined as ‘Busyness’.
Initial Feel – A distinctly firmer feel at the start of a shift than at the finish of the shift.
Late – A shift that occurs when the engine rpm is higher than normal for a given amount of throttle.
Shudder – A repeating jerking condition similar to ‘Chuggle’ but more severe and rap id. This condition may be most
noticeable during certain ranges of vehicle speed.
Slipping – A noticeable increase in engine rpm without a vehicle speed increase. A slip usually occurs during or after
initial clutch or band apply.
Soft – A slow, almost unnoticeable clutch or band apply with very little shift feel.
Surge – A repeating engine related condition of acceleration and deceleration that is less intense than ‘Chuggle’.
Tie-Up – A condition where two opposing clutch and / or bands are attempting to apply at the same time, causing the
engine to labour with a noticeable loss of engine rpm.
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Noise Conditions
Drive Link Noise – A whine or growl that increases or fades with vehicle speed and is most noticeable under a light
throttle acceleration. It may also be noticeable in Park or Ne utral operating ranges with the vehicle stationary.
Final Drive Noise – A hum related to vehicle speed which is most noticeable und er a light throttle acceleration.
Planetary Gear Noise – A whine related to v ehicle speed, which is most noticeable in First, Second, Fourth gears or
Reverse. The condition may become less noticeable, or go away, after an upshift.
Pump Noise – A high pitched whine that increases in intens ity with engine rpm. This condition may also be notic eable in
all operating ranges with the v ehicle stationary or moving.
Torque Converter Noise – A whine usually noticed when a vehicle is stopped, and the transmissi on is in Drive or
Reverse. The noise will increase with engine rpm.
Transmission Abbreviations
A/C – Air Conditioning
A/T – Automatic Transmission
DLC – Diagnostic Link Connector
DTC – Diagnostic Trouble Co de
ECCC – Electronically-Controlled Capacity Clutch
ECM – Engine Control Module
ECT – Engine Coolant Temperature
IGN – Ignition
IMS – Internal Mode Switch
ISS – Input Speed Sensor
MAP – Manifold Absolute Pressure
MIL – Malfunction Indicator Lamp
NC – Normally Closed
NO – Normally Open
OBD – On Board Diagnostic
OSS – Output Speed Sensor
PCS – Pressure Control Solenoid
PM – Permanent Magnet
PWM – Pulse Width Modulation
rpm – Revolutions Per Minute
SS – Shift Solenoid
SOL – Solenoid
TAP – Transmission Adaptive Pressure
TCC – Torque Converter Clutch
TCM – Transmission Control Module
TFT – Transmission Fluid Temperature
WOT – Wide Open Throttle
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2 Diagnosis
2.1 Basic Knowledge Required
You must be familiar with basic electron ics, fundamentals of automatic transmissions and hydraulics to use this Sectio n
of the Service Information. These will help you follow the diagnostic procedures deta iled in this Section.
A lack of basic knowledge of this
transmission and its controls when
performing diagnostic procedures could
result in incorrect diagnostic performance or
damage to the transmission components. Do
not, under any circumstances, attempt to
diagnose a transmission problem without this
basic knowledge.
You should be able to use a Digital Multi Meter (DMM), a circuit tester, fused jumper wires or leads and a line pressure
gauge set. Having access to a T ECH 2 is mandatory as many aspects of the transmission diagnosis require the use of
this tool.
The following Functional T est Procedure is d esig ned to verify the correct operation of components in the transmission
and to identify whether a condition is electrical in nature, or not. This will eliminate the unnec essary removal of
transmission components and time loss in rectification.
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2.2 Functional Test Procedure
When diagnosing an y Hydra-matic 5L40–E relate d hydraulic or mechanical condition, b eg in with this Functional Test
Procedure. This procedure will indicate the proper path of diagnosing the transmission, by describing the basic checks
and then referencing the location of specific checks.
The Functional Test Procedure is the first step in diagnosing mechanical or hydraulic transmission conditions. The
Functional Test provides procedures and references to the Symptom Diagnosis tab le for specific d iag nostic information.
It is important to realise that engine performance can greatl y affect transmission performance. Ensure that the complaint
is not the result of poor engine performance.
Functional Test Procedure Chart
Step Action Yes No
1 Verify customer complaint.
Has the customer complaint been verified? Go to Step 2
2 1 Perform Diagnostic System Check – Vehicle. Refer to
Diagnostic System Check – Vehicle, in Section 0D Vehicle
Diagnostics. NOTE
If an engine DTC fault is detected, the engine ECM may
activate default actions that could be interpreted as being a
transmission concern.
Has the Diagnostic System Check – Vehicle bee n performed? Go to Step 3
Go to Diagnostic
System Check –
Vehicle, in 0D
Vehicle Diagnostics.
3 1 Perform a visual inspection. Look for the following conditions:
Vehicle damage
Transmission fluid pan d amage
2 Check for worn or damaged suspensio n components. Refer to
Section 3A Front Suspension / Section 3B Front Suspe nsion or
Section 4A1 Rear Suspension / Section 4A2 Rear Suspension.
3 Check for worn or damaged steeri ng parts. Refer to Section 9
4 Transmission range selector linkage damaged or out of
adjustment. Refer to Section 7E4 Automatic Transmission –
5L40-E – On-Vehicle Servicing.
5 Inspect for loose, worn, damage or missing:
Mounting hardware
6 Transmission cooler or cooler line restrictions. Refer to Section
7E4 Automatic Transmission – 5L40-E – On-Vehicle Servicing.
7 Check for fluid leaks. Refer to 2.11 Fluid Leak Diagnosis and
Repair in this Section.
Was and item identified that need service? Go to appropriate
Section. Go to Step 4
4 1 Check transmission fluid level. Refer to Section 7E4 Automatic
Transmission – 5L40-E – On-V ehicle Servicing.
Is the procedure complete and the fluid l eve l correct? Go to Step 5
5 1 Perform the transmission road test procedures. Refer to 2.5
Road Test Procedure in this Section.
Did the vehicle exhibit any obj ectionable condition? Go to Step 6 System OK.
6 Did the vehicle exhibit objectionable torque converter operation? Go to Step 15 Go to Step 7
7 Did the vehicle exhibit a nois e condition? Go to 2.8 Noise and
Vibration Analysis in
this Section. Go to Step 8
8 Did the vehicle exhibit a vibration condition? Go to Step 9 Go to Step 10
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Step Action Yes No
9 Did the vibration occur only during TCC apply or release?
Go to Step 15
Go to 2.8 Noise and
Vibration Analysis in
this Section.
10 Did the vehicle exhibit a shift speed con ditio n such as low or high shift
speeds? Go to Inaccurate
Shift Points, in
3.2 Diagnostic
Tables in this
Section. Go to Step 11
11 Check for any of the following shift quality (feel) conditions:
Harsh, soft, delayed or no engagement
Harsh, soft or delayed shifts
Shift shudder, flare or tie-up
Were any of these conditions ev ident? Go to Step 12 Go to Step 13
12 Perform the hydraulic line pressure check. Refer to 2.4 Line Pressure
Check in this Section.
Is the line pressure within specification?
Go to Step 13
Go to Fluid
Pressure High or
Low in 3.2
Diagnostic Tables,
in this Section
13 Road test to check for any of the following shift pattern conditions:
No upshift or downshift
Only one or two forward gears
No First gear, no Second gear, no Third gear or no Fourth
Non–First gear start
Were any of these conditions evident?
Go to 3.1 Symptoms
Diagnosis Table in
this Section. Go to Step 14
14 Check for any of the following range performance conditions:
No Park, Reverse or Drive
No engine braking
No gear selection
Incorrect gear selection
Were any of these conditions evident?
Go to 3.1 Symptoms
Diagnosis Table in
this Section. System OK
15 Refer to 2.6 Torque Converter Diagnosis Procedure in this Section to
check whether the vehicle exhibits any of the following TCC
Stuck on or off
Early or late engagement
Incorrect apply or release
Soft or harsh apply
Cluck or shudder
No torque multiplication
Excessive slip
Poor acceleration
Engine stalls
Were any of the above TCC conditions evident?
Complete the
recommendation in
2.6 Torque
Converter Diagnosis
Procedure in this
Section. System OK
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2.3 Transmission Fluid Level, Check and
Vehicles equipped with the 5L40–E automatic transmission are not fitted with a conventional fluid level tube and dipstick
assembly. Addition of fluid to the transmission is via a threaded level hole in the left-hand side of the transmission case,
except for AWD models, that have the filler plug on the right-hand side. For the necessary procedure,
refer to Section 7E4 Automatic Transmission – 5L40-E – On-Vehicle Servicing.
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2.4 Line Pressure Check
Before performing a line pressure check, verify that the pressure control (PC) solenoid valve is receiving the correct
electrical signal from the TCM. Refer to Section 7E2 Automatic Transmission – 5L40-E – Electrical Diagnosis.
1 Connect TECH 2 to the DLC. Refer Section 0C TECH 2.
Keep the brakes firmly applied at all times to
prevent unexpected vehicle motion. Personal
injury may result if the vehicle moves
2 Start the engine and firmly appl y the parking brake.
3 Using TECH 2, inspect for any stored Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC).
4 Repair the vehicle, if necessary.
5 Check the fluid level. Refer to the 2.3 Transmission Fluid Level, Check and Correct in Section 7E4 Automatic
Transmission – 5L40-E – On-V ehicle Servicing.
6 Check the shift linkage for proper adjustment.
Refer to Section 7E4 Automatic Transmission – 5L4 0-E – On-Vehicle Servicing.
Do not allow the pressure gauge hose to come into
contact with the exhaust system. Transmission fluid is
flammable; contact with the exhaust system may cause
bodily injury or vehicle damage.
7 Turn the engine off. Remove the transmission
pressure test plug (40) and O-ring (66) using a 5 mm
Allen key socket and suitabl e equipment.
Figure 7E3 – 1
8 Install pressure gauge adaptor Tool No. J 21867–L40
and pressure gaug e assembly Tool No J 21867 to
transmission pressure test port.
9 Put the gear selector in Park range and firmly a pply
the park brake.
10 Start the engine and allow the engine to warm up at
idle. Check pressure gauge and adaptor to check
there are no fluid leaks.
Figure 7E3 – 2
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The total test running time should not be
longer than 2 minutes. Running the test
longer than 2 minutes may damage the
11 Access the PC solenoid valve control test on T ECH 2.
12 Increase the PC solenoid actual current from 0 to 1 amps in 0.1 amp i ncrements. Allow the pressure to stabilise for
5 seconds after each pressure change. Read and record the corresponding line pressure on the installed pressure
13 Compare the recorded vehicl e data to the following line pressure specification chart.
Transmission Line Pressu re Specifications
Pressure Control
Solenoid Current (Amp) Line Pressure (kPa)
0.1 1,194 1,355
0.3 1,118 1,296
0.5 1,002 1,166
0.7 804 966
0.8 654 819
0.9 453 611
1.1 288 440
Engine running at 1,300 rpm
14 If pressure readings differ greatly from the chart, refer to Fluid Pressure High or Low in 3.2 Diagnostic Tables.
15 Turn engine off and remove the pressure gauge and
16 Inspect the pressure test plug (40) and O-ring (66) for
If the pressure test plug (40) and O-ring (66) are
not damaged, they should be reused.
17 Reinstall the transmission pressure test plug (40) and
tighten to the correct torque specification
Transmission pressure test plug
to case torque specification..................................11 N.m
Figure 7E3 – 3
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2.5 Road Test Procedure
The Road Test Procedure should be performed
only as part of the Symptom Diagnosis. Refer to
3 Symptoms Diagnosis in this Section.
Complete the test in the sequence given.
Incomplete testing cannot guarantee an
accurate evaluation.
The following test provides a method of evaluatin g the condition of the automatic transmission. The test is structured so
that most driving conditions would be ac hieved. The test is divided into the follo wing parts:
Electrical Function Check
Upshift Control and Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) Apply
Part Throttle Detent Downshifts
Full Throttle Detent Downshifts
Manual Downshifts
Coasting Downshifts
Manual Gear Range Selection
Manual Second
Manual Third
Manual Fourth
Before the road test, ensure the following:
The engine is performing properly.
Transmission fluid level is correct.
Refer to the Section 7E4 Automatic Transmission – 5 L4 0-E – On-Vehicle Servicing.
Tyre pressures are correct.
During the road test:
Perform the test only when traffic conditions permit.
Operate the vehicle in a controlled, safe manner.
Observe all traffic regulations.
View TECH 2 data while conducting this tes t. T ake along a qualified assistant to operate the vehicle safely.
Observe any unusual sounds or smells.
After the road test, inspect for the following:
Diagnostic Trouble Codes (D TC) that may have set during the testing. Refer to the applicable DTC diagnostic
chart in Section 7E2 Automatic Transmission – 5L40-E – Electrical Diagnosis.
TECH 2 data for any abnormal readings or data.
Fluid leaks.
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Electrical Function Check
Perform this check first, in order to ensure that the electronic transmission components are connected and functioning
properly. If these components are not checked, a simple electrical conditi on could be misdiagnosed.
1 Connect TECH 2 to the DLC. Refer Section 0C TECH 2.
2 Ensure the shift selector is in Park and firmly apply the parking brake.
3 Start the engine and allo w to idle.
4 Verify that the following TECH 2 data par ameters can be obtained and are functioning properly.
Refer to TECH 2 Automatic Transmission Da ta Lists, in Section 7E2 Automatic Transmission – 5L40-E – Electrical
Diagnosis for typical data values. Data that is questionable may indicate a concern:
Engine speed Engine coolant temperature
Transmission output speed Transmission fluid temperature
Vehicle speed Accelerator pedal position
IMS range Ignition voltage
Transmission range (engine list) 1–2 shift solenoid
Commanded gear 2–3 shift solenoid
PC solenoid reference current 4–5 shift solenoid
PC solenoid actual current TCC solenoid dut y cycle
PC solenoid dut y cycle TCC slip speed
Brake switch
5 Monitor the brake switch signal while depressing and releasing the brake pedal. TECH 2 should displa y:
Open when the brake pedal is released.
Closed when the brake pedal is depressed.
6 Check the garage shifts.
a Apply the brake pedal and ensure that the parking brake is set.
b Move the gear selector through the following ranges:
i. Park to Reverse
ii. Reverse to Neutral
iii. Neutral to DRIVE
c Pause 2 to 3 seconds in each gear position.
d Verify the gear engagements are immediate and not harsh.
High engagement may be caused by any of the following conditions:
High idle speed – Compare e ngine idle speed to desired idle spee d.
Commanded low PC solenoid current – Com pare PC solenoid reference current to PC solenoid actual
A default condition caused by certain DTCs that result in maximum line pressure to prevent slippage
Soft or delayed engagement may be caused by any of the following conditions:
Low idle speed – Compare engine idle speed to desired idle speed.
Low fluid level.
Commanded high PC solenoid current – Compare PC solenoid reference current to PC solenoid actual
Cold transmission fluid – Inspect for low transmission fluid t emperature.
Selector linkage Inspect the adjustment.
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7 Monitor transmission range on TECH 2, engine list – Apply the brake pedal and ensure that the parking brake is
a Move the gear selector through all ranges.
b Pause 2–3 seconds in each range.
c Return gear selector to Park.
d Verify that all selector positions match the scan tool d isp lay.
8 Check accelerator pedal input – Apply the brake pedal and ensure that the parking brake is set.
a Ensure that the gear selector is in Park.
b Monitor accelerator pedal while increasing and decreasing engine sp eed with the throttle pedal. TECH 2
Throttle Position display sh ould increase and decrease with engine speed.
If any of the above checks do not perform properl y, record the result for reference after completion of the road test.
Upshift Control and Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) Apply
The TCM calculates the upshif t points based primarily on t wo inputs; throttle angle a nd vehicle speed. When the TCM
determines that conditions are met for a shift to occur, it will command the shift by closing or opening the ground circuit
for the appropriate solenoid.
Preliminary Checks:
1 Refer to 4 5L40-E Shift Speed Charts in this Section and choose a throttle position of 12 %, 25 % or 50 %. All
throttle angles shown should be tested to cover the normal driving range.
2 Monitor the following TECH 2 data parameters:
Throttle angle
Vehicle speed
Engine speed
Output shaft speed
Commanded gear
Slip speed
Solenoid states
3 Place the gear selector in the Drive ‘D’ positi on.
4 Accelerate the vehicle using the chosen throttle angle. Hold the throttle steady.
5 As the transmission upshifts, note the vehicle speed when the shift occurs for each gear change. There shou ld be
a noticeable shift feel or engine speed change within 1 to 2 seconds of the commanded gear change.
6 Compare the shift speeds to the shift speed charts in this S ection, refer to 4 5L40-E Shift Speed Charts. Shift
speeds may vary slightly due to adaptive learn parameters, transmission fluid temperature or hydraulic delays in
responding to electronic contr ols.
Note any harsh, soft or delayed shifts or slipping.
Note any noise or vibration.
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7 Repeat steps 1–6 to complete all throttle angl es.
This transmission is equipped with an
Electronically Controlled Capacity Clutch
(ECCC). The pressure plate does not fully
lock to the torque converter cover. The
pressure plate maintains a small amount of
slippage, approximately 20 rpm, in 3rd, 4th
and 5th gears. ECCC was developed to
reduce the possibility of noise, vibration or
chuggle caused by TCC apply. Typical apply
speeds are 49–52 km/h in 3rd gear and 65–
73 km/h in 4th gear. Full lock up does occur at
highway speeds.
The TCC will not engage until the engine is i n
closed loop operation and the vehicle speed
is as shown in the shift speed charts in this
Section; refer to 4 5L40-E Shift Speed Chart s.
The vehicle must be in a near-cruise
condition, not acceler ating or c oasting, a nd o n
a level road surface.
8 Check for TCC apply in 3rd, 4th and 5th gears.
Note the TCC apply point. When the TCC applies, there should be a noticeable drop in engine speed and a
drop in slip speed to below 100 rpm. If the TCC apply can not be detected:
Check for DTCs. Refer to 2.6 Torque Converter Diagnosis Procedure in this Section.
Refer to the 4 5L40-E Shift Speed Charts in this Section for the correct apply speeds.
Lightly tap and release the brak e pedal. The TCC should release.
Part Throttle Detent Downshift
1 Place the gear selector in the OVERDRIVE position.
2 Accelerate the vehicle to 64 – 88 km/h in FIFTH gear.
3 Quickly increase throttle angle to greater than 50 %.
4 Verify the following:
a The TCC releases.
b The transmission downshifts immediately to FOURTH gear.
5 Place the gear selector in the OVERDRIVE position.
Full Throttle Detent Downshift
1 Accelerate the vehicle to spee ds of 64 – 88 km/h in FIFTH gear.
2 Quickly increase throttle angle to 100 % (Wide Open Throttle).
3 Verify the following:
a The TCC releases.
b The transmission downshifts immediately to THIRD gear.
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Manual Downshifts
The shift solenoid valves control the initial downshift for the 5–4, 4–3, 3–2 manual downshifts. The solenoid states should
change during or shortly after a manual downshift is selected.
Manual 54 Downshift
1 Place the gear selector in the ‘D’ position.
2 Accelerate the vehicle to 64 – 88 km/h in 5th gear.
3 Release the throttle while moving the gear se lector to 4th.
4 Check that the following occurs:
a The TCC releases.
b The transmission downshifts immediately to 4th gear.
c The engine slows the vehicle.
Manual 53 Downshift
1 Place the gear selector in the ‘D’ position.
2 Accelerate the vehicle to 64 – 72 km/h.
3 Release the throttle while moving the gear se lector to 3rd.
4 Check that the following occurs:
a The TCC releases.
b The transmission downshifts immediately to 3rd gear.
c The engine slows the vehicle.
Manual 52 Downshift
1 Place the gear selector in the ‘D’ position.
2 Accelerate the vehicle to 48 km /h.
3 Release the throttle while moving the gear se lector to 2nd.
4 Check that the following occurs:
a The TCC releases.
b The transmission downshifts immediately to 2nd gear.
c The engine slows the vehicle.
Coasting Downshifts
1 Place the gear selector in the ‘D’ position.
2 Accelerate the vehicle to 5th gear with the TCC applied.
3 Release the throttle and lightly apply the brakes.
4 Verify the following:
a The TCC releases.
b Downshifts occur at speeds shown in the Shift Speed table. Refer to 4 5L40-E Shift Speed Charts in this
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Manual Gear Range Selection
The shift solenoids control the upshifts in the manual gear ranges.
Perform the following tests using 10–15 % throttle angle.
1 With the vehicle stopped, move the gear selector to Reverse.
2 Slowly accelerate the vehicle.
3 Verify that there is no noticeable slip, noise, or vibration.
Manual Second
1 With the vehicle stopped, move the gear selector to ‘2’.
2 Accelerate the vehicle to 32 km /h.
3 Verify the following:
a No upshifts occur
b The TCC does not apply
c There is no noticeable slip, noise, or vibration
Manual Third
1 With the vehicle stopped, move the gear selector to 3rd.
2 Accelerate the vehicle to 57 km /h.
3 Verify the following:
a The 1–2 shift occurs
b The 2–3 shift does not occur
c There is no noticeable slip, noise or vibration
Manual Fourth
1 With the vehicle stopped, move the gear selector to 4th.
2 Accelerate the vehicle to 64 km /h.
3 Verify the following:
a The 1–2 shift occurs
b The 2–3 shift occurs
c There is no noticeable slip, noise or vibration
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2.6 Torque Converter Diagnosis Procedure
The Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) is applied by fluid pressure, which is controlled by a PW M solenoid valve. This
solenoid valve is located inside of the automatic transmission assembly. The solenoid valve is controlled through a
combination of computer controlled switches and sensors.
Torque Converter Stator
The torque converter stator roller clutch can have two different malfunctions.
The stator assembly freewheels in both dire ctions.
The stator assembly remains locke d up at all times.
Poor Acceleration at Low Speed
If the stator is freewheeling at all times, the car tends to have poor acceleration from a standstill. At speeds above
50 – 55 km/h, the vehicle may respond normally. For poor acceleration, you should first determine that the exhaust
system is not blocked, and the transmission is in First gear when starting out.
If the engine freely accelerates to high rpm in Neutral, you can assume that the engine and the exhaust system are
normal. Check for poor performance i n Drive and Reverse to help determine if the stator is freewheeling at all times.
Poor Acceleration at High Speed
If the stator is locked up at all times, vehicle performance is normal when acceleratin g from a standstil l. Engine rpm and
vehicle speed are limited or r estricted at hig h spee ds. Visual examination of the converter may reveal a blue colour from
If the converter has been removed, you can check the stator roller clutch by inserting a finger into the splined inner race
of the roller clutch and trying to turn the race in both directions. You should be able to freely turn the inner race
clockwise, but you should have difficulty in moving the inner race counter-clockwise or you may be unable to move the
race at all.
Do not confuse this noise with pum p whine noise,
which is usually noticeable in Park, Neutral and
all other gear ranges. Pump whine will vary with
line pressure.
You may notice a torque con v erter whine when the vehicle is stopped and the transmission is in Drive or Reverse. This
noise will increase as you increase engine speed. The noise will stop when the vehicle is moving or when you apply the
torque converter clutch, because both halves of the converter are then turning at the same speed.
Perform a stall test to make sure the noise is actually coming from the converter. Proceed as follows:
1 Place your foot on the brake.
2 Put the gear selector in Drive.
You may damage the transmission if you
depress the accelerator for more than 6
3 Depress the accelerator to approximately 1,200 rpm for no more than 6 seconds. A torque converter noise will
increase under this load.
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Torque Converter Clutch Shudder
The key to diagnosing T orqu e Converter Clutch (TCC) shudder is to note when it happens and under what conditions.
TCC shudder which is cause d by the transmission should only occur duri ng the apply or the release of the converter
clutch. Shudder should never occur after the TCC plate is fully applied.
If Shudder Occurs During TCC Apply or Release
If the shudder occurs while the TCC is applying, the problem can be within the transmission or the torque converter.
Something is causing one of the foll owing conditions to occur, such as:
Something is not allowing the clutch to become fully engaged.
Something is not allowing the clutch to release.
The clutch is releasing and applying at the same time.
One of the following conditions may be causing the problem to occur:
Leaking turbine shaft seals
A restricted release orifice
Defective friction material on the T CC plate
If Shudder Occurs After TCC has Applied
If shudder occurs after the TCC has applied, there is usuall y nothing wrong with the transmission.
The TCC is not likely to slip after the TCC has been applied. Engine probl ems may go unnoticed under light throttle and
load, but they become noticeable after the TCC apply when going up a hill or accelerating. This is due to the mecha nical
coupling bet ween the engine and the transmission.
Once TCC is applied, there is no torqu e converter fluid coupling assistance. Engine or driveline vibrations could be
unnoticeable before TCC engagement.
Inspect the following components in order to avoid misdiagnosis of TCC shudder. An inspectio n will also avoid the
unnecessary disassembl y of a transmission o r the unnecessary replacement of a torque converter.
Spark plugs – Inspect for cracks, high resistance or a broken insulator.
Cylinder coil – Look for a black discoloration on the bottom of each cylinder coil. This indicates arcing while the
engine is misfiring.
Fuel injector – The filter may be plugged.
Vacuum leak – The engine will not get a correct amount of fuel. The mixture may run rich or lean depend ing on
where the leak occurs.
MAF sensor – Like a vacuum leak, the engine will not get the correct amount of fuel for proper engine operation.
Carbon on the intake valves – Carbon restricts the proper flow of air / fuel mixture into the cylinders.
Flat cam – Valves do not open enough to let the proper fuel / air mixture into the cylinders.
Oxygen sensor – This sensor may command the engine too rich or too lean for too long.
Fuel pressure – T his may be too low.
Engine mounts – Vibration of the mou nts can be multiplied by TCC engagement.
Propeller Shaft(s) and Driveshaft joints – Check for vibration.
Cylinder balance – Worn piston rings or poorly sealing valves can cause low power in a cylinder.
Fuel contamination – T his causes po or engine performance.
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Replace the torque converter, if any of the following conditions exist:
External leaks appear in the hub weld area.
The converter hub is scored or damaged.
The converter pilot is broken, damaged or fits poorly into the crankshaft.
You discover steel particles after flushing the cooler and the cooler lines.
The pump is damaged, or you discover steel particles in the converter.
The vehicle has TCC shudder and / or no TCC apply. Replace the torqu e converter o nly after all hydraulic and
electrical diagnoses have been made. The converter clutch material may be glazed.
The converter has an imbalance which cannot be corrected.
Refer to 2.7 Torque Converter / Flexplate Vibration Test in this Section.
The converter is contaminated with engine coolant which contains antifreeze.
An internal failure occurs in the stator roller clutch.
You notice excessive end pla y.
Overheating produces heavy debris in the clutch.
You discover steel particles or clutch lining material in the fluid filter or on the magnet, when no internal parts in the
unit are worn or damaged. This conditi on indicates that lining material came from the converter.
For torque converter replacement procedures,
refer to Section 7E4 Automatic Transmission – 5L40-E – On -Vehicle Servicing, in this Service Information.
Do not replace the torque converter if you discover any of the following symptoms:
The transmission fluid has an odour or the flu id is discoloured, even though metal or clutch facing particle s are not
Transmission failure did not display evidence of damaged or worn internal parts, steel particles or clutch plate lining
material in the unit and inside the fluid filter.
The vehicle has been e x posed to high mileage only. An exceptio n may exist where the lining of the torque
converter clutch dampener plate has seen excess wear by vehicles operated in heavy an d / or constant traffic,
such as taxi, delivery, or police use.
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2.7 Torque Converter / Flexplate Vibration
Isolating Vibration
Some engine / transmission combinations cannot
be balanced in this manner due to limited
clearances between the torque converter bolts
and the engine. Ensure that the bolts do not
bottom out in the lug nuts or the torqu e converter
cover could be dented and cause internal
To isolate and correct a flexplate or torque converter vibration, separate the torque converter from the flexplate to
determine if vibration is in the engine or transmission.
1 With the engine at idle speed and the transmission in Park or Neutral, observe the vibratio n.
2 Turn the engine OFF.
3 Raise the vehicle and suppor t in a safe manner. Refer to Section 0A General Information for the location of
recommended lifting and support points.
4 Mark the relationship of the converter to the fl ywheel.
5 Remove the bolts attaching the converter to the flywheel. Refer to 3.25 5L40-E Automatic Transmission, Remove,
in Section 7E4 Automatic Transmission – 5L40-E – On-Vehicle Servicing.
6 Slide the torque converter away from the flywheel.
7 Rotate the flexplate and torque converter, checkin g for defects such as cracks, damage d mounting threads or
missing balance weights. Refer to Section 7E4 Automatic Transmission – 5L40-E – On-Vehicle Servicing.
8 Lower the vehicle.
9 With the engine at idle speed and the tra nsmission in Park or Neutral, observe the vibration.
Refer to 2.8 Noise and Vibration Analysis, in this Section.
10 Turn the engine OFF.
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Indexing Torque Converter
To determine and correct a torque converter vibration, the following procedure may have to be performed several times
to achieve the best possible torque converter to flexplate balance.
1 Raise the vehicle and suppor t in a safe manner. Refer to Section 0A General Information for the location of
recommended lifting and support points.
2 Remove the torque converter to flexplate bolts. Refer
to Section 7E4 Automatic transmission – 5L40-E – On-
Vehicle Servicing.
3 Rotate the torque converter one bolt positi on .
4 Align the torque converter hub (2) in the engine
crankshaft (3) and install the torque converter to
flywheel bolts.
5 Lower the vehicle.
6 With the engine at idle speed and the tra nsmission in
Park or Neutral, observe the vibration. Refer to
2.8 Noise and Vibration Analysis in this Section.
Repeat this procedure until the best possible balance
is obtained.
Figure 7E3 – 4
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2.8 Noise and Vibration Analysis
A noise or vibration that is noticeable when the vehicle is in motion may not be the result of the transmission.
If noise or vibration is noticeable in Park and Neutral with the engine at idle, but is less noticeable as engine rpm
increases, the cause may be from poor engine performance.
1 Inspect the tyres for the following:
Uneven wear
Mixed sizes
Mixed radial tyre tread patterns. Refer to Section 10 Wheels and Tyres.
2 Inspect the suspension components for the following:
Alignment and wear
Loose fasteners. Refer to Section 3A Front Suspensio n and / or
Section 4A1 Rear Suspens ion.
3 Inspect the engine and transmission mounts for damage and loose bolts.
Refer to Section 6A1 Engine Mechanical – V6 and / or
Section 7E4 Automatic Tr ansmission – 5L40-E – On-Vehicle Servicing.
4 Inspect the transmission case mounting holes for the following:
Missing bolts, nuts and studs
Stripped threads
5 Inspect the flexplate for the following:
Missing or loose bolts
6 Inspect the torque converter for the following:
Missing or loose bolts or lugs
Missing or loose balanc e weights
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2.9 Clutch Plate Diagnosis
All clutch plates in this transmission are single
sided; i.e. one side is composition coated, while
the other is plain steel.
Composition Plate Surface
1 Dry the plates and inspect the plates for the following conditions:
Chips or metal particles embedded in the lining.
2 Replace a composition pl ate which shows any of these conditions.
Steel Plate Surface
Wipe the plates dry and inspec t the plates for heat discoloration. If the surfaces are smooth, even if colour smear is
indicated, you can reuse the plate. If the plate is discoloured with heat spots or if the surface is scuffed, replace the plate.
Causes of Burned Clutch Plates
The following conditions can result in a burned clutch plate:
Incorrect usage of clutch plates
Engine coolant in the transmission flu id
A cracked clutch piston
Damaged or missing seals
Damaged fluid passage sleeves
Low line pressure
Valve body conditions:
The valve body face is not flat
Porosity is between channels
The valve bushing clips are improperly installed
The checkballs are misplaced
The Teflon® seal rings are worn or damaged
Low transmission fluid level
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2.10 Engine Coolant in Transmission
If the transmission oil cooler has developed a leak allowing engine coolant to enter the tra nsmissio n, perform the
1 Disassemble the transmission.
2 Replace all of the rubber t ype seals. The coolant will attack the seal material which will cause leakage.
3 Replace the composition-faced clutch plate assemblies. The facing materi al may separate from the steel centre
4 Replace all of the washers.
5 Replace the torque converter.
6 Thoroughly cle an and rebuild the transmission, using new gaskets and filter.
7 Flush the cooler lines after the transmission cool er has been properly repaired or replaced.
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2.11 Fluid Leak Diagnosis and Repair
The cause of most external t r ansmission fluid leaks can usually be located and repaired with the transmission installed in
the vehicle.
The transmission fluid must be checked before
the fluid leak diagnosis is performed to prevent
damage to the transmission.
Check transmission fluid level. Refer to
2.3 Transmission Fluid Level, Check and Correct
in this Section.
Methods for Locating Leaks
General Method
1 Verify that the leak is automatic transmission fluid.
2 Thoroughly cle an the suspected leak area.
3 Operate the vehicle for 24 km or until normal oper ating temperature is reached.
4 Park the vehicle over clean paper or cardboard.
5 Switch off the engine.
6 Inspect for fluid spots on the paper.
7 Make necessary repairs and then rec heck that the leak has been rectified.
Powder Method
1 Thoroughly cle an the suspected leak area with solvent.
2 Apply an aerosol type powder, (e.g. foot powder) to the suspected leak ar ea.
3 Operate the vehicle for about 24 km or until normal operating temper ature is reached.
4 Switch off the engine.
5 Inspect the suspected leak area.
6 Trace the leak path through the powder in order to find the source of the leak.
7 Make necessary repairs and then rec heck that the leak has been rectified.
Dye and Black Light Method
While the following can be used as a guide, always follow the equipment manufacturer’s recommendations for use of the
1 Pour the manufacturer’s recommended amo unt of d ye (suc h as J 28431-B) into the transmission.
Refer to 2.3 Transmission Fluid Level, Check and Correct in this Section.
2 Road test the vehicle under normal operati ng conditions.
3 Direct the black light (such as Tool No. J 42220) to the suspect area. Any fluid leak will appear as a brightly
coloured path, leading to the source.
4 Make necessary repairs and then rec heck that the leak has been rectified.
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Find the Cause of the Leak
Once the leak has been located an d traced back to its source, the cause of the leak must be determined for the repair to
be satisfactory.
For example, if you replace a gasket, but the sealing flange is bent, the new gasket will not repair the leak. You must also
repair the bent flange.
Before attempting to repair a leak, check for the following conditions and make repairs as necessary:
Fluid level / pressure is too high
Plugged vent or drain- back holes
Improperly tightened fasteners
Dirty or damaged threads
Warped flanges or sealing surfaces
Scratches, burrs or other damage to sealing surfaces
Damage or worn gasket
Cracking or porosity of the component
Improper sealant used
Incorrect gasket
Fluid level / pressure is too high
Plugged vent or drain- back holes
Damaged seal bore
Damaged or worn seal
Improper installation
Cracks in component
Manual or output shaft surface is scratched, nicked or damage d
Loose or worn bearing causing excess seal wear
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Possible Points of Fluid Leaks
Transmission Fluid Pan
Incorrectly tightened fluid pan bolts
Improperly installed or damaged fluid pan gasket
Damaged fluid pan or mounting face
Incorrect fluid pan gasket
Fluid Drain Plug
Case Leak
Fluid Fill Plug
Extension Housing
Wiring harness O-ring seal
Damaged manual shaft seal
Loose or damaged fluid cooler line seals fittings
Worn or damaged propeller shaft flange seal
Loose line pressure test plug
Porous casting
Leak at the Torque Converter End
Converter leak in the weld are a
Converter seal lip cut. Check the converter hub for damage
Converter seal bushing moved forward and damaged
Converter seal garter spring m issing from the seal
Porous casting of the transmission case or the oil pump
Leak at the Vent
Overfilled system
Water or coolant in the fluid. The fluid will appear milky
Transmission case por ous
Plugged vent
Drain-back holes plugged
Incorrectly positioned flui d pump to transmission case gasket
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Figure 7E3 – 5
(1) Torque Converter Assembly (40) Transmission Pressure Test Plug
(2) Fluid Cooler Pipe Connectors (56) Automatic Transmission Wiring Harness O-ring Seal
(4) Torque Converter Housing Fluid Seal Assembly (60) Automatic Transmission Fluid Pan Gasket
(24) Automatic Transmission Case Assembly (63) Automatic Transmission Fluid Drain Plug
(25) Case Extension Gasket (229) Torque Converter Housing Seal
(29) Propeller Shaft Flange Seal (243) Transmission Vent Tube
(36) Transmission Level Hole Plug (614) Transmission Shift Shaft Seal
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Case Porosity Repair
Some external leaks are caus ed by case porosity in non-pressurised areas. You can usually repair thes e leaks with the
transmission in the car. Use the following notes to assist in the repair.
Thoroughly cle an the area to be repaired with a cleaning solvent recommended by the epoxy adhesive
manufacturer. Air dry the area.
Epoxy adhesive may cause skin irritations
and eye damage. Read and follow all
information on the container label as provided
by the manufacturer.
Using instructions from the manufacturer, mix a sufficient amount of an epoxy adhesive (‘Araldit e‘™ or a n
equivalent product) to make the repair.
While the transmission case is still hot, apply the epoxy. You can use a clean, dry soldering acid brush to clean the
area and also to apply the epoxy cement. Make certain that the area to be repaired is fully covered.
Allow the epoxy adhesive to dry for the recommended time before starting the engine and checking the results of
the repair.
Repeat the fluid leak diagnos is procedure previously detailed.
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2.12 Shift Solenoid Leak Test
For Solenoid Leak testing pro c edures, refer to 3.19 Solenoid Leak Testing, in Section 7E4 Automatic Transmission –
5L40-E – On-Vehicle Servicing.
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2.13 Range Reference Chart
Figure 7E1 - 6
Range D / 4 / 3 / 2 Neutral Reverse Park
Gear 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 N R P
Ratio 3.24 3.24 2.21 2.21 1.60 1.60 1.00 0.75 3.03
1–2 Shift
2–3 Shift
4–5 Shift
TCC Solenoid
Direct Clutch – – – – – – APPLIED APPLIED – –
Reverse Clutch – – – – – – – – – APPLIED
Forward Clutch
Overdrive Clutch – APPLIED – APPLIED –
Clutch Sprag – – – – LD LD – – – – –
Low Clutch
Sprag LD LD – – – – – – – – –
Low and Reverse
Clutch APPLIED – – – – – – – APPLIED
Second Clutch
Sprag – – LD LD – – – – – – –
Second Coast
Clutch – – – APPLIED – – – – – – –
LD = Locked in Drive ON = Solenoid Energised OFF = Solenoid De-Energised
The solenoids state follows a shift pattern that depends upon vehicle speed and throttle position. It does not depend
upon the selected gear.
Engine braking is electronically controlled by the TCM and is available as a calibrated function.
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3 Symptoms Diagnosis
The following table consists of nine diagnostic categories that are located in the left hand colum n. Using this column,
choose the appropriate categ ory based on the operating cond itions of the vehicle or transmission. After selectin g a
category, use the right hand column to locate the specific symptom diagnostics information. Unless otherwise stated, this
specific information refers to 3.2 Diagnostic Tables in this Section.
The tables that follow provide more specific information relating to each of the symptoms listed.
The Functional Test Procedure should be
performed before beginning any diagnosis, refer
to 2.2 Functional Test Procedure in this Section.
3.1 Symptoms Diagnosis Table
Diagnostic Category Diagnostic Information
Fluid Diagnosis
This category contains the following topics:
Fluid condition – appearance, contaminants, smell,
Line pressure – high or low
Fluid leaks
Refer to 2.3 Transmission Fluid Level Check and Correct
Refer to Fluid Pressure High or Low
Refer to 2.1 Fluid Leak Diagnosis an d Repair
Refer to Automatic Transmission Overheating
Noise and Vibration Diagn osis
This category contains the following topics:
Ratcheting noise
Noise – drive gear, final drive, whine, growl, rattle,
buzz, popping
Refer to 2.8 Noise and Vibration Analysis
Refer to Buzz Noise or High Frequency Rattle Sound
Refer to Popping Noise
Refer to Whine Noise Varying with RPM or Fluid Pressure
Refer to Noise in Random Ranges
Range Performance Diagnosis
This category contains the following topics:
Drives in Neutral
No Park
No Drive
Shift selector indicator does not match transmission
gear range Refer to No Drive in All Ranges
Refer to Drives with Selector Lever in Position N
Shift Quality Feel Diagnosis
This category contains the following topics:
Harsh, soft or slipping shifts
Harsh, soft or delayed engagement
Shift shudder, Flare or tie-up
No engine braking
Refer to Harsh Shifts
Refer to Harsh Shift 4–5, or 5–4
Refer to Harsh Shift D – R
Refer to Degraded 1–2 and 2 –1 Shifts
Refer to Degraded 2–3 and 3 –2 Shifts
Refer to Slips or Shudders in First Gear
Refer to Degraded 4–5 Shift
Refer to No Engine Braking in Second Gear
Refer to No Engine Braking in First, Second and Third
Refer to No Engine Braking in Third Gear
Refer to No Engine Braking
Refer to No Engine Braking in First Gear
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Diagnostic Category Diagnostic Information
Shift Pattern Refer to First and Second Gears Only
Shift Speed Diagnosis
This category consists of the following topic:
Inaccurate or inconsistent shift points
Refer to Inaccurate Shift Points
Refer to Power Mode Switch / Indicator Always On or
Torque Converter Diagnosis
This category contains the following topics:
Torque converter diagnosis
TCC does not apply
TCC does not release
TCC apply / release quality
Refer to Torque Converter Diagnosis Procedure
Refer to No Engagement of Torque Converter Clutch
Refer to Harsh Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) Apply
Multi-Function Display (MFD) Message
This category contains the following topics:
Transmission hot idle engine light ON
Snow flake light ON
Sport light ON Refer to Transmission Indicators and Messages
Refer to Power / Economy Mode Operation
If Symptom Not Found Refer to Transmission Fluid Checking Procedure
Refer to Road Test Procedure
Refer to Line Pressure Check Proced ure
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3.2 Diagnostic Tables
Automatic Transmission Overheating
Check Causes
Fluid Pump Assembly Pressure regulator valve stuck
Pressure regulator valve spring
Line boost valve spring
Line boost valve or bushing stuck, damag ed or
incorrectly assembled
Pressure relief ball not seated or damaged
Pressure relief ball spring
Fluid pump screen assembly plugged or damaged
Fluid pump rotor guide omitted or misassembled
Fluid pump rotor cracked or broken
Porosity in fluid pump
Fluid pump surfaces not flat
Excessive fluid pump rotor clearanc e
Pressure Control Solenoid Assembly Contaminated
O-rings cut or damaged
Electrical connection
Inspect for active transmission DTCs Transmission DTC default action active
Buzz Noise or High Frequency Rattle Sound
Check Causes
Definition: A buzz or high frequency rattle.
Trace Cooler Pipes
Check for binding or contact at the Radiator, other
than at the Cooler Pipe connectors
Verify a pressure buzz by watching for a nee dle vibration
of the pressure gauge. A road test may be necessar y.
Refer to Road Test Procedure
Degraded 1–2 and 2–1 Shifts
Check Causes
Definition: One of the two following conditions occurs during a first to Second gear stea dy throttle upshift, or a Second
to First gear coast, or a light to moderate throttle detent downshift:
Harsh shift feel An unacceptable quick gear change occurs.
Soft shift feel An unacceptable long gear change occurs.
Second Clutch Damaged piston, 1-2, 2-1 shift
Damaged or worn clutch plates, 1-2, 2-1 shift
Pressure Control Solenoid Damaged
Fluid Pump Damaged
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Degraded 2–3 and 3–2 Shifts
Check Causes
Definition: One of the two following conditions occurs during a second to Third gear steady throttle upshift, or a third to
second coast, or a light to moderate throttle detent downshift:
Harsh shift feel – An unacceptabl e quick gear change occurs.
Soft shift feel – An unacceptable long gear c hange occurs.
Intermediate Clutch Damaged piston, 2–3, 3–2 shift
Damaged or worn clutch plates, 2–3, 3–2 shift
Pressure Control Solenoid Damaged
Fluid Pump Damaged
Degraded 4–5 Shift
Check Causes
Definition: One of the two following conditions occurs during a fourth to Fifth gear steady throttle upshift, or a fifth to
fourth coast, or a light to moderate throttle detent downshift:
Harsh shift feel – An unacceptabl e quick gear change occurs.
Soft shift feel – An unacceptable long gear c hange occurs.
Coast Clutch Damaged or cut piston
Damaged or worn clutch plates
Damaged or stuck ball check valve
Intermediate Clutch Damaged piston, 2–3, 3–2 shift
Damaged or worn clutch plates, 2–3, 3–2 shift
Overdrive Clutch Damaged or worn clutch plates
Damaged or worn piston
Pressure Control Solenoid Damaged
Fluid Pump Damaged
Drives with Selector Lever in Position N
Check Causes
Definition: Vehicle moves forward while in N eutral.
Forward Clutch and Coast Clutch Assembl y Damaged or worn clutch plates
Damaged or cut piston
Damaged or stuck ball check valve
Selector Lever Adjustment
Fifth Gear Only
Check Causes
Definition: The transmission only provid es Fifth gear in Drive range. T he vehicle accelerates from a stop in Fifth gear.
Control Valve Body Accumulator Assembly Feed limit valve or spring stuck in the e xhau st position
Wiring Harness Improper electrical connection to shift solenoids
Inspect for active transmission DTCs Transmission DTC default action active
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7E3 – 39
First and Second Gears Only
Check Causes
Definition: The transmission only provides first and Second gear in Drive range.
Control Valve Body Accumulator Assembly 2–3 SS valve stuck
2–3 shift valve stuck applied
Spacer plate or gaskets are positioned incorrectly or
First Gear Only
Check Causes
Definition: The transmission only provid es First gear in Drive range. The vehicle accelerates from a stop in First gear
and does not upshift.
Control Valve Body Accumulator Assembly 1–2 shift control valve stuck applied
1–2 shift valve stuck applied
The spacer plate or gasket ar e positioned incorrectly
or damaged
Shift Solenoid Valve Faulty electrical connection
First, Fourth and Fifth Gears Only
Check Causes
Definition: The transmission provides first, fourth and Fifth gear in Drive r ange.
Control Valve Body Accumulator Assembly 1–2 SS valve stuck off
Spacer plate or gaskets are positioned incorrectly or
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7E3 – 40
Fluid Pressure High or Low
Check Causes
Definition: Transmission main line pressure that is determined to be high or low. Refer to 2.4 Line Pressure Checking
Procedure in this Section.
Fluid Pump Assembly Pressure regulator valve stuck
Pressure regulator valve spring
Line boost valve spring
Line boost valve or bushing stuck, damag ed or
incorrectly assembled
Pressure relief ball not seated or damaged
Pressure relief ball spring
Pump slide seal out of location
Fluid pump screen assembly plugged or damaged
Fluid pump rotor guide omitted or incorrectly
Fluid pump rotor cracked or broken
Porosity in fluid pump
Fluid pump surfaces not flat
Excessive fluid pump rotor clearanc e
Fluid Filter Intake pipe restricted
Cracks in fluid filter
Fluid filter seal missing, cut or damaged
Control Valve Body Accumulator Assembly Manual valve scored or damaged
Spacer plate or gaskets assembled incorrectly or
Control valve top channel pl ate not flat
Control valve bottom channel plate not flat
Feed limit valve or spring stuck in the exhaust
Pressure Control Solenoid Assembly Contaminated
O-rings cut or damaged
Electrical connection
System Voltage 12 volts not supplied to transmission
Clutch Accumulator Leaking
Inspect for active transmission DTCs Transmission DTC default action active
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7E3 – 41
Harsh Shift 4–5, or 5–4
Check Causes
Definition: One of the two following conditions occurs during a 4th to 5th and 5th to 4th gear steady throttle upshift, or a
4th to 5th gear coast, or a light to moderate throttle detent downshift:
Harsh shift feel – an unacceptable quick gear change occurs.
Overdrive Clutch and Coast Clutch Damaged or cut piston
Damaged or worn clutch plates
Fluid Pump Assembly Pressure regulator valve stuck
Pressure regulator valve spring
Line boost valve spring
Line boost valve or bushing stuck, damag ed or
incorrectly assembled
Fluid pump screen assembly plugged or damaged
Fluid pump rotor guide omitted or incorrectly
Fluid pump rotor cracked or broken
Porosity in fluid pump
Fluid pump surfaces not flat
Excessive fluid pump rotor clearanc e
Pump slide seal out of location
Pump vanes damaged
Pump slide spring damaged
Pressure Control Solenoid Damaged
Harsh Shift D–R
Check Causes
Definition: Gear engagement that is harsh when the eng ine is idling in Park or Neutral, and the gear selector is moved
to Drive or Reverse range.
Forward Clutch Damaged or worn piston (436)
Damaged or worn clutch plates (449)
Damaged or stuck ball check valve (434)
Reverse Clutch Damaged or worn piston (404)
Damaged or worn clutch plates (418 / 417)
Damaged or stuck ball check valve (403)
Fluid Pump Assembly Refer to Harsh Shift 4 – 5, or 5 – 4.
PC Solenoid Damaged
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7E3 – 42
Harsh Shifts
Check Causes
Definition: Harsh shift feel - an unacceptable quick gear change occurs.
Pressure Control Solenoid Damaged O-rings
Output Speed Sensor Open or grounded circuit
Input Speed Sensor Open or grounded circuit
Throttle Position Open or grounded circuit
Forward Clutch Assembly Damaged or worn clutch plates
Damaged or cut piston
Damaged or stuck ball check valve
Control Valve Body Accumulator Assembly Accumulator piston stuck
Stuck or missing ball check valves
Fluid Pump Pressure regulator valve stuck
Pressure regulator valve spring
Line boost valve spring
Line boost valve or bushing stuck, damag ed or
incorrectly assembled
Fluid pump screen assembly plugged or damaged
Fluid pump rotor guide omitted or incorrectly
Fluid pump rotor cracked or broken
Porosity in fluid pump
Fluid pump surfaces not flat
Excessive fluid pump rotor clearanc e
Pump slide seal out of location
Pump vanes damaged
Pump slide spring damaged
Inspect for active transmission DTCs Transmission DTC default action active
Harsh Torque Converter Clutch (TCC) Apply
Check Causes
Definition: An unacceptable quick TCC apply or release occurs in Third, Fourth or Fifth gear, Overdrive, Drive or Manual
Third range, with the throttle held steady.
Control Valve Body and Accumulator Assembly Stuck TCC regulator apply valve
TCC Solenoid Valve Stuck ON
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7E3 – 43
Inaccurate Shift Points
Check Causes
Definition: An upshift or a downshift, or TCC apply, that occurs at a speed outside of the calibrated range. Refer to
4. 5L40–E Shift Speed Charts in this Section.
Fluid Pump Assembly Stuck pressure regulator valve
Sticking pump slide
Control Valve Body Accumulator Assembly Spacer plate and gasket misaligned or damaged
Throttle Position Sensor Disconnected or damaged
Input Speed Sensor Disconnected or damaged
Sensor to transmission case bolt not tightened
Output Speed Sensor Disconnected or damaged
Sensor to transmission case bolt not tightened
Shift Solenoids Leaking
Power Mode Active Refer to Power Mode Switch / Indicator Al ways On or
No Drive in All Ranges
Check Causes
Definition: A large engine rpm increase is noted, with no vehicle for ward speed incre ase, during the following conditions:
The engine is running.
The transmission is in Drive range.
The vehicle is stopped or moving sl owly.
The vehicle brakes are not applied.
The throttle is opened 25 percent or greater.
Forward Clutch Assembly Damaged or worn clutch plates
Damaged or cut piston
Damaged or stuck ball check valve
Forward Clutch Sprag Damaged sprag
Worn or pitted inner race
Fluid Pump Damaged vanes
Missing slide spring
Fluid pump screen assembly plugged or damaged
Fluid pump rotor guide omitted or misassembled
Fluid pump rotor cracked or broken
Porosity in fluid pump
Fluid pump surfaces not flat
Excessive fluid pump rotor clearanc e
Low Clutch Sprag Damaged sprag
Worn or pitted inner race
Input and Reaction Carrier Damaged or worn gears
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7E3 – 44
No Engagement of Torque Converter Clutch (TCC)
Check Causes
Definition: A large difference in rpm is noted bet ween the engine speed and the transmission inp ut turbine speed in
Third or Fourth gear, Drive or Manual Third range when the TCC is commanded ON by the PCM.
Control Valve Body and Accumulator Assem bly TCC regulator apply valve stuck released
TCC regulator apply valve spring broken
Torque Converter Housing Transmission fluid pump cover damaged or misali gned
TCC PWM Solenoid Assembly Stuck Off
Internal damage
Damaged or cut O-ring
Screen damaged
Electrical connector damage
Fluid Pump Stuck, binding TCC control valve
TCC enable valve
Stick or binding TCC enable valve spring
Misaligned gasket
Turbine Shaft Damaged or cut O-ring
Inspect for active transmission DTCs Transmission DTC default action active
No Engine Braking
Check Causes
Definition: A large engine rpm increase and for ward vehicle speed decrease do not immediately occu r when the
transmission is shifted from Overdrive or Fourth gear in Drive or Manual Third range to either First, Second gear, or Third
gear, Manual Second.
Coast Clutch Damaged or cut piston
Damaged or worn clutch plates
Damaged or stuck ball check valve
Overdrive Clutch Damaged or cut piston
Damaged or worn clutch plates
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7E3 – 45
No Engine Braking in First Gear
Check Causes
Definition: A large engine rpm increase and for ward vehicle speed decrease do not immediately occu r when the
transmission is shifted from Overdrive or Fourth gear in Drive or Manual Third range to First.
Low and Reverse Clutch Damaged or cut piston
Damaged or worn clutch plates
Control Valve Body Accumulator Assembly 3–4 shift control valve stuck
3–4 shift valve stuck – 1st, 2nd or 3rd gear
Low pressure control valve – 1st, 2nd or 3rd gears
4–5 SS valve stuck off – 1st, 2nd or 3rd gears
4–5 shift valve stuck applied – 1st, 2nd or 3rd gears
3–4 shift valve and / or 3–4 control shift valve stuck
Low pressure control valve stuck released
4–5 shift valve and / or 4–5 control shift valve stuck
1–2 shift valve stuck released
No Engine Braking in First, Second and Third Gear
Check Causes
Definition: A large engine rpm increase and for ward vehicle speed decrease do not immediately occu r when the
transmission is shifted from Overdrive or Fourth gear in Drive range to either First or Second gear, Manual Second.
Control Valve Body Accumulator Assembly 3–4 shift valve stuck released
Missing or stuck low pressure control valve
4–5 shift valve and / or 4–5 control shift valve stuck
1–2 shift valve stuck released
2–3 shift valve and / or 2–3 control shift stuck
No Engine Braking in Second Gear
Check Causes
Definition: A large engine rpm increase and for ward vehicle speed decrease do not immediately occu r when the
transmission is shifted from Third to Fourth gear in Driv e or Manual Third range to either Second gear, Manual Second.
Coast Clutch Damaged or cut piston
Damaged or worn clutch plates
Damaged or stuck ball check valve
3–4 shift valve and / or 3–4 control shift valve stuck
Low pressure control valve stuck released
4–5 shift valve and / or 4–5 control shift valve stuck
1–2 shift valve stuck applied
2–3 shift and / or 2–3 control shift stuck released
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7E3 – 46
No Engine Braking in Third Gear
Check Causes
Definition: A large engine rpm increase and for ward vehicle speed decrease in Third gear do not immediately occur
when the transmission is shifted from overdriv e or F ourth ge ar in Drive or Manual Third range to Third gear ran ge.
Overdrive Clutch Damaged or cut piston
Damaged or worn clutch plates
Control Valve Body Accumulator Assembly 3–4 shift valve and / or 3–4 control shift valve stuck
Low pressure control valve stuck released
4–5 shift valve and / or 4–5 control shift valve stuck
1–2 shift valve stuck applied
2–3 shift and / or 2–3 control shift stuck applied
No Fifth Gear
Check Causes
Definition: A large engine rpm increase is noted in Fifth gear, Drive ran ge, with little or no vehicle forward speed
increase. First, Second, Third gear and Fourth operation are normal. Shifts into Fifth gear are soft or do not occur.
Control Valve Body Accumulator Assembly 4–5 SS valve stuck On
4–5 shift valve stuck applied
4–5 shift control valve stuck applied
Overdrive Clutch Damaged or cut piston
Damaged or worn clutch plates
No First Gear
Check Causes
Definition: A large engine rpm increase is noted in First gear, Drive ran ge, with little or no vehicle forward speed
increase. Second, Third and Fourth ge ar operation are normal. Shifts into First gear are soft or do not occur.
Control Valve Body Accumulator Assembly 1–2 shift control valve stuck released
1–2 shift valve stuck released
1–2 SS valve stuck ON
Forward and Low Clutch Sprag Damaged sprag
Worn or pitted inner race
Forward Clutch Assembly Damaged
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7E3 – 47
No Fourth Gear or Slips in Fourth Gear
Check Causes
Definition: A large engine rpm is noted in Fourth gear or no vehicle forward speed increase. Shifts into Fourth gear are
soft or do not occur.
Control Valve Body Accumulator Assembly 3–4 shift valve stuck applied
3–4 shift control valve stuck applied
Direct and Reverse Clutch Damaged or worn piston (406)
Damaged or worn clutch plates
Damaged ball check valve (405)
No Reverse or Slips in Reverse
Check Causes
Definition: A large engine rpm increase is noted with little or no vehicle rearward speed increase during the following
The engine is running.
The transmission is in Reverse range.
The vehicle is stopped or moving slowly.
The vehicle brakes are not a pplied.
The throttle is opened 25 percent or great er.
Direct and Reverse Clutch Assembly Damaged reverse clutch housing ball check valve
Damaged or cut piston
Damaged or worn clutch plates
Control Valve Body Accumulator Assembly Reverse lockout valve stuck
TCC PWM solenoid valve leaking
Selector Lever Adjustment
No Second Gear
Check Causes
Definition: A large engine rpm increase is noted in Second gear, Drive range, with little or no vehicle forward speed
increase. First, Third, and Fourth gear operation are n ormal. Shifts into Sec ond gear are soft or do not occur.
Second Clutch Damaged piston
Damaged or worn clutch plates
Second Coast Clutch Damaged piston
Damaged or worn clutch plates
Second Clutch Sprag Damaged sprag
Worn or pitted inner race
Second Clutch Fluid Passage Sleeve Leaking
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7E3 – 48
No Third Gear
Check Causes
Definition: A large engine rpm increase is noted in Third g ear, Drive ra nge, with no vehicle forward speed increase.
First, Second, and Fourth gear operation are normal. Shifts into Third gear are soft or do not occur.
Intermediate Clutch Sprag Damaged sprag
Worn or pitted inner race
Intermediate Clutch Damaged piston
Damaged or worn clutch plates
Intermediate Fluid Passage Sleeve Leaking
Noise in Random Ranges
Check Causes
Definition: Noise only in certain gear ran ges
Refer to 2.13 Range Reference Chart in this Section to determine the power flow and the applicable co mponents that
may be causing this noise.
Popping Noise
Check Causes
Definition: A popping noise, similar to popcorn popping
Fluid Pump System Check fluid level.
Inspect for pump cavitation, indicated by bubbles in
Inspect the transmission fluid filter for a leaky seam.
Inspect the transmission fluid filter seal for improper
positioning or for a cut seal.
Power Mode Switch / Indicator Always On or Inoperative
Check Causes
Definition: The ‘PWR’ icon in the Multi Function Display (MFD) in the Instrument is either always activated or is not
activated when the momentary contact ‘PWR’ switch in the centre console is pressed with the ignition in the ON position.
‘A/S’ switch and/or electrical circuit. Switch failure.
Electrical circuitry relating to the switch circuit.
Instrument MFD malfunction.
Second and Third Gears Only
Check Causes
Definition: The transmission only provid es second and Third gear in Drive rang e. The shift pattern as the vehicle
accelerates from a stop is 2-–2–3–3.
Control Valve Body Accumulator Assembly 1–2 SS valve stuck applied
Spacer plate or gaskets are positioned incorrectly or
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7E3 – 49
Slips or Shudders in First Gear
Check Causes
Definition: A large engine rpm increase is noted in First gear, Drive ran ge, with little or no vehicle forward speed
increase. Second, Third, and Fourth gear op eratio ns are normal. Shifts into First gear are soft or do not occur. First gear
ratio is 2.921:1
Forward Clutch Clutch plates worn
Porosity in the piston
Piston seal damaged
Forward clutch housing ball check valve not sealing
or damaged
Input shaft fluid seals damaged or missing
Control Valve Body Accumulator Assembly Face not flat
Spacer plate or gaskets positioned incorrectly or
Input Sun Gear Shaft Broken shaft
Forward Sprag Clutch Assembly Sprags not holding
Low Clutch Sprag Assembly Sprags not holding
Torque Converter Assembly Stator roller clutch not holding
Line Pressure Refer to Fluid Pressure High or Low
Slips while Shifting
Check Causes
Definition: A large engine rpm increase is noted in Fifth, Fourth, T hird, Second or first in Drive range, with little or no
vehicle forward speed increas e. Shifts into Fifth, F ourth, Third, Second or First gear are soft or do not occur.
Control Valve Body Accumulator Assembly Accumulator piston seals
Porosity in the accumulator piston housings
Stuck or missing ball check valves
Pressure Control Solenoid Damaged
Fluid Pump Damaged
Whine Noise Varying with RPM or Fluid Pressure
Check Causes
Definition: In all ranges, a whine which may be sensitive to rpm load or which ceases when the TCC engages or which
is sensitive to the oil pressure
Torque Converter (1) Verify that the noise is internal to the torque converter by
placing your left foot on the brake with the gear or selector
in Drive.
Oil Pump System Pump whine noise, which is usually notice ab le in Park,
Neutral and all other gear ran ges. Pump whine will vary
with line pressure.
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7E3 – 50
4 5L40-E Shift Speed Charts
4.1 Introduction
To assist in the interpretation of the following charts, the following logic has been applied:
1 All upshifts are shown with a solid lin e an d filled diamond plot points – 1-2 is dark blue, 2-3 is red, 3-4 is dark green
and 4-5 is dark purple.
2 All downshifts also have a solid line with filled circular plot points – 2-1 is pale blue, 3-2 is orange, 4-3 is light green
and 5-4 is light purple (or lilac).
3 Torque converter clutch (TCC) apply points (‘App 2’, etc.) have a solid line with filled triangul ar plot points – ‘App 2’
is dark blue, ‘App 3’ is red, ‘App 4’ is dark green and ’App 5’ dark purple.
4 Torque converter clutch (TCC) release points (‘Rel 2’, etc) have a dashed lin e with open triangular plot points –
‘Rel 2’ is dark blue, ‘Rel 3’ is red, ‘Rel 4’ is d ark gree n and ‘Rel 5’ is dark purple.
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7E3 – 51
4.2 Shift Patterns – All With 3.6L Alloytec190
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250
Vehicle Speed [km/h]
Throttle [%
1-2 2-1 2-3 3-2 3-4 4-3 4-5 5-4
App 2 Rel 2 A pp 3 Rel 3 App 4 Rel 4 App 5 Rel 5
Figure 7E3 – 7
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250
Veh icle S peed [km/ h]
Throttle [%
1-2 2-1 2-3 3-2 3-4 4-3 4-5 5-4
App 2 Re l 2 App 3 Rel 3 App 4 Rel 4 App 5 Rel 5
Figure 7E3 – 8
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7E3 – 52
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250
Veh icle S peed [km/ h]
Throttle [%
1-2 2-1 2-3 3-2 3-4 4-3 4-5 5-4
App 2 Rel 2 App 3 Rel 3 App 4 Rel 4 App 5 Rel 5
Figure 7E3 – 9
0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 200 225 250
Veh ic le Speed [km/ h]
Throttle [%
1-2 2-1 2-3 3-2 3-4 4-3 4-5 5-4
App 2 Rel 2 App 3 Re l 3 App 4 Rel 4 App 5 Re l 5
Figure 7E3 – 10
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7E3 – 53
5 Power / Fluid Flow a nd Circuit
For information on the following power flows through the following range selections, that includes mechanical power
flows and hydraulic descriptions, refer to Power Flo ws, in the Hydra-Matic 4/5L40-E Technician’s Guide, included on the
current PV-SIP CD ROM:
Park (Engine Running)
Neutral (Engine Running)
Overdrive Range, First Gear (Before First 1–2 Shift)
Overdrive Range, First Gear (After First 1–2 Shift)
Overdrive Range, Second Gear
Overdrive Range, Third Gear
Overdrive Range, Fourth Gear
Overdrive Range, Fifth Gear (Torque Converter Clutch Released)
Overdrive Range, Fifth Gear (Torque Converter Clutch from Released to Applied)
Manual Fourth Gear (From Overdrive Range – Fifth Gear)
Manual Third Gear (From Manual Fourth – Fourth Gear)
Manual Second Gear (From Manual Third – Third Gear)
Manual Second – First Gear (From Manual Secon d – Seco nd Gear)
The above range descriptions each contain a
simplified hydraulic circuit to sho w what hydraulic
action occurs for that specific range. For the
complete hydraulic circuit for each range, that
also includes active fluid passages, refer to
Complete Hydraulic Circuits, in the Hydra-Matic
4/5L40-E Technician’s Guide.
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7E3 – 54
6 Special Tools
Tool Number Illustration Description Tool Classification
Tech 2 Scan Tool
Used for diagnosis of vehicle electrical
Previously released
J 21867
Pressure Gauge and Ho se
Used for checking automatic
transmission line pressure.
Previously released
J 21867–L40
Pressure Gauge Hose Adaptor
Use of this adaptor enables the
existing, J 21867 pressure gauge to
be installed to the 5L40-E
transmission line pressure test port.
New release
J 28431–B
Fluorescent Oil Dye
Used in conjunction with black light,
leak detection lamp J 42220 to locate
various types of vehicle fluid leaks.
Supplied in 24, 1 oz bottles.
Previously released
J 42220
12 Volt Black Light
Also available as tool no. 16296
Used in conjunction with Fluorescent
Oil Dye to locate various types of
vehicle fluid leaks.
Previously released