Surface Preparation
Clean any remaining adhesive from the glue track using a hot knife or heat gun and tool if necessary.
The vehicle should be painted before installation of the cockpit module. Before painting the vehicle apply masking
tape to prevent paint entering the glue track.
The adhesive will not properly adhere to paint, over spray, oils, greas e etc. T he glue trac k mus t be fr ee of dirt, dus t,
grease, oils and paint or over spray.
W ipe the glue track with a suitable cleaning agent such as “Prepsol”, then clean any residue from the area with a
clean, dry, lint free cloth.
Avoid fitment problems by temporarily installing the cockpit module panel, prior to mixing the adhesive, rectify any
faults found, then remove the panel from the vehicle.
Before mixing the adhesive it is necessary to have the application gun available. All parts must be clean of any
previous adhesive.
Refer to the latest VT Series Spare Parts Information, for details of where to obtain an applicator gun.
Mixing Adhesive and Catalyst
IMPORTANT: T his is a two-part mix, fas t cure adhesive, ensure that the panel is r eady for installation bef or e mixing
the adhesive. The working time is less than 20 minutes.
Part A: The Adhesive compound, yellow in colour and supplied in a 1.4 kilogram container.
Part B: The Catalyst, used to accelerate the “Cure” tim e of the of the adhesive com pound and is supplied in a 120
gram tube.
The contents of the Adhesive Kit, Part Number 92140052 is sufficient to install the module panel in a vehicle.
CAUTION: The vapour from the adhesive may cause breathing difficulties, use only in a well ventilated
area. In case of eye contact, flush immediately with clean water.
COMBUSTIBLE – keep away from spark and flame.
Refer to Safety Precautions in 1.2 GENERAL PRECAUTIONS in this Section.
1. Remove the lid from the Adhesive Compound container.
2. Remove the cap from the Catalyst and pierce the end of the tube, then s queeze the entire contents of the tube
into the Adhesive Compound container.
3. Hold the container securely, and mix the catalyst into the adhesive using a paint mixer or a flat clean wooden
4. Continue to mix until the adhesive is a consistent grey colour without any streaks.
5. Place the follower plate supplied with the applicator gun into the adhesive container.
6. Remove the front end cap and disposable nozzle from the applicator gun.
7. Cut the tip from the nozzle.
8. Place the applicator gun front end over the hole in the follower plate.
NOTE: The eas ies t method of drawing the adhesive into the gun is to pr oceed s lowly, allow the downward press ure
on the plate and the suction of the gun to draw the compound.
9. Simultaneous ly push down on the gun and plate with m axim um press ure, pr ess the gun’s releas e plate inward
and slowly pull the T-bar (piston) outwards. This procedure will slowly suck the mixed adhesive into the
applicator gun.
10. Wipe any excess adhesive from the applicator gun, screw the end cap onto the applicator gun, then reinstall
the nozzle.
11. Proceed immediately with installing the panel.
IMPORTANT: After mixing the silicone adhesive, installation of the cockpit module panel should be completed
within 15 - 20 minutes. Under normal conditions, the adhesive will begin to cure in about 25 - 30 minutes. After
installation, the module panel should not be moved or disturbed until the adhesive is fully cured (about 3 hours).
Check List
Before mixing the adhesive and installing the cockpit module the following items should be checked:
Familiarise yourself with the precautions in 1.2 GENERAL PRECAUTIONS in this Section.
Ensure the adhesive being used is the material recommended by Holden Ltd..
The vehicle surface should be finished and the paint fully dry before installation.
Clean any over spray, grease, oil, dirt, etc. from the glue track using an agent such as ‘Prepsol’ and A CLEAN,
Test fit the module panel in the glue track BEFORE MIXING THE ADHESIVE.
Is the adhesive applicator gun clean and ready for use?
Install the main wiring harness plate in position on the module panel.
Are the cockpit module bolts readily accessible?