This vehicle will be equipped with a Supplemental Restraint System (SRS). A SRS will consist of either
seat belt pre-tensioners and a driver's air bag, seat belt pre-tensioners and a driver's and front
passenger's air bag s or seat belt pre- tensio ners, d riv er’s and fron t p asseng er’s air bag and lef t and rig ht
hand side air bags. Refer to SAFETY PRECAUTIONS, Section 12M Supplemental Restraint System of
this Service Information CD before performing any service operation on, or around any SRS
components, the steering mechanism or wiring. Failure to follow the SAFETY PRECAUTIONS could
result in SRS deployment, resulting in possible personal injury or unnecessary SRS system repairs.
This vehicle may be equipped with LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas). In the interests of safety, the LPG
fuel system should be isolated by turning 'OFF' the manual service valve and then draining the LPG
service lines, before any service work is carried out on the vehicle. Refer to the LPG leaflet included with
the Owner's Handbook for details or the appropriate Section of this Service Information CD for more
specific servicing information.
While the cockpit module assembly on VT Series II Models essentially carries over from VT Series Models, with the
introduction of the GEN III V8 engine, comes some notable changes to the procedure for removing the cockpit
module assembly.
For this reason the Service Operations for the cockpit module have been updated, and republished in this Section
to include the GEN III V8 engine application.
For General Information not covered in this Section, reference to Section 1E COCKPIT MODULE of the VT Series
I Service Information should be made.
Unless repairing a crack or tear in the glue track, only two part silicone adhesive should be used when refitting the
cockpit module.
NOTE: Remove as much of the old adhesive as possible from the glue track before installing the cockpit module.
As the cockpit module panel forms part of the vehicle structure, where the module panel has any damage or cracks
in the sheet metal, or if fire damage has occurred, the module must be removed and replaced.
Tears, separation or splitting in the adhesive exceeding 300 mm in length require removal and complete reglueing
of the module.
The Silicone Adhesive, Part Number 92140052 used in the glue track must not be replaced with any other type of
adhesive or sealant other than that which is recommended by Holden Ltd.; urethanes, epoxies, acrylic etc. are not
suitable for use in this application. Failure to correctly seal the cockpit module panel to the vehicle may allow
exhaust, fuel or other fumes to enter the passenger compartment.
IMPORTANT: To obtain a satisfactory bond between the two parts, the following procedures must be observed.
1. Remove as much of the remaining adhesive as possible from the glue track prior to reinstallation of the panel.
2. After repairing the sheet metal work, if all the remaining adhesive has been thoroughly removed, apply a coat
of primer inside the glue track. Do not apply primer over any remaining adhesive.
NOTE: The finish on the front floor extension and shroud panel service parts will not require priming before applying
the adhesive to the glue track.
3. When reinstalling a module after a repair, ensure that no re-finishing paint or over spray is in the glue track or
on the remaining adhesive.
Apply a layer of masking tape to the track before painting, and install the module after oven baking the paint
(where appropriate).
4. Do not use an adhesive other than that which is recommended by Holden Ltd..
5. Body shell assemblies are available (at the time of publication) in white enamel finish with the cockpit module
6. Before commencing installation of the module, thoroughly read 2.1 COCKPIT MODULE - MIXING SILICONE
ADHESIVE in this Section.
7. Although the cockpit module is installed as an assembly on the production line, this method is not practical for
repairing the vehicle. Service Operation 2.1 COCKPIT MODULE in this Section describes the cockpit module
disassembly and reassembly procedure in the vehicle.
The Silicone Adhesive used in the glue track, once cured requires no special precautions. However, when mixing
the adhesive compound with the catalyst, the Precautions listed below should be observed.
1. Do not swallow–the catalyst is a Toxic substance, keep away from children.
2. Safety glasses should be worn to avoid contact with eyes. If eye contact occurs, wash the area in clean water
only, and seek immediate medical advice.
3. Wear protective gloves when handing the adhesive and catalyst, as they may cause skin irritation. If irritation
occurs, wipe the adhesive/catalyst off with a clean cloth and wash the affected area thoroughly in clean water.
Vapour produced by the adhesive and catalyst may cause breathing difficulties, use only in a well ventilated area.
The catalyst is combustible, keep away from sparks and flame.
CAUTION: Disable the SRS (Air Bag). Refer to
DISABLING THE SRS, Section 12M SRS of this
Service Information CD.
NOTE: The following procedure describes the
minimum disassembly required to remove the
components attached to the cockpit module.
Where replacem ent of individual parts is necess ary
refer to appropriate Section in this Service
Information CD.
IMPORTANT: As a theft deterrent, VT series
vehicles are fitted with a security coded audio
system. After the power supply is interrupted, the
radio will rem ain inoperative after reins tallation until
the pin number is entered into the system. The
procedure is described in the glove box literature
accompanying the Owner’s Handbook.
1. If the battery cables have not already been
disconnected, disconnect the battery negative
and positive cables.
2. Drain engine cooling system, refer to Section
in the appropriate Section of this Service
Information CD.
3. Where fitted, discharge the air conditioning
system, refer to Section 2C AIR
DIAGNOSIS of this Service Information CD.
4. Depressurise the fuel system, refer to Section
Service Information CD.
5. Unclip duct cover flap (1) on right hand side of
footwell upper closing panel left side (2) and
disengage locating lugs to passenger side
shroud lower. Grasp closing panel firmly and
detach by pulling left side down first, then
disengage right side clip and remove panel.
6. Remove passenger side shroud lower trim
assembly, refer to Section 1A1 of this Service
Information CD.
Figure 1E-1
7. On a vehicle with V6 or V6 supercharged
engine, disconnect the powertrain control
module harness (2) from the powertrain control
module (1), refer to Section 6C1
of this Service Information CD. The module
should be removed from the vehicle to prevent
damage occurring.
Compress lugs on powertrain harness grommet
(3) and push powertrain har nes s and c onnec tors
out into the engine compartment.
Figure 1E-2
8. On a vehicle with a GEN III V8 engine,
disconnect the powertrain harness connector
from the throttle relaxer control module as per
the following:
1. Lift the locking lever upwards.
2. Pull the top of the connector out away from
the control module.
3. Lift the wiring harness connector up to
disengage it from the control module.
9. On a vehicle with a GEN III V8 engine,
disconnect the powertrain harness connector
from the Powertrain Interface Module (PIM).
Separate the powertrain harness from the body
wiring harness (two locations).
Compress lugs on powertrain harness grommet
and push powertrain harness and connectors
out into the engine compartment.
Figure 1E-3
10. Adjust steering wheel to upper most position.
Grasp the right hand side of the instrument
panel lower cover panel (1) firmly and pull
towards rear of vehicle. Repeat the procedure
for the left hand side of the cover.
Using a flat bladed screwdriver, prise the
instrument panel lower cover panel left hand
hinge pin (2) out.
Tilt the instrument panel lower cover down on
the left side and disengage the right hand hinge
pin. Remove panel.
Figure 1E-4
11. Release the steering column height adjuster,
completely lower steering column and leave
lever in the released position.
12. Insert finger between the steering wheel and the
lower cover as shown and apply a sm all amount
of pressure (pushing towards the instrument
cluster) while lifting the upper cover upwards.
Figure 1E-5
13.Remove screw (2) securing the lower cover (1)
to the steering column.
14.Slide lower cover toward the steering wheel to
release cover from the two retaining tangs (3)
on the steering column.
15.While feeding the key reader outer surround
from lower cover, remove cover.
Figure 1E-6
16. Remove the two scrivets (2) securing the right
hand footwell upper closing panel (1).
On vehicles fitted with an automatic
transmission, prise off the retaining button (3)
and detach the footwell upper closing panel.
W here fitted disconnect front footwell lam p from
footwell upper closing panel, refer to Section
12B LIGHTING SYSTEM of this Service
Information CD.
Figure 1E-7
17. Remove two screws (2) securing the diagnostic
link connector (1) to the instrument panel lower
trim right side assembly.
Figure 1E-8
18. Slide the passenger c ompartment relay and f us e
block (1) to the left, push through support panel
and withdraw tow ards front of vehicle.
Figure 1E-9
19. Remove the three screws (2) securing the right
hand instrument panel end cap (1) to the
instrument panel and remove end cap.
Figure 1E-10
20. Open the instrument panel compartment (1),
and lever the hinge pin (2) from the right side of
the compartment. Lower compartment and
withdraw the pin. Disengage instrument panel
compartment right hand travel limiting peg from
slot in instrum ent panel roof by deform ing plastic
tang. Remove instrument panel compartment.
Figure 1E-11
21. Remove the six screws (3) securing the left
hand instrument panel end cap cover (1) and
end cap (2) to the instrum ent panel and remove
end cap cover and end cap.
Figure 1E-12
22. Remove the 11 retaining screws (2) from
instrument panel compartment roof (1).
Disconnect the instrument panel compartment
lamp (3) and switch (4) connectors. Disconnect
the luggage compartment lock switch connector
(5) and unclip instrument panel compartment
wiring harness (6) from instrument panel
compartment roof, remove compartment.
Figure 1E-13
23. Remove driver’s side shroud lower trim
assembly, refer to Section 1A1 BODY of this
Service Information CD.
24. Disconnect body harness to m ain wiring harness
connectors (arrows) at the right hand cowl panel.
Figure 1E-14
25.Remove Body Control Module (BCM) from
mounting brackets by pushing the bottom of the
BCM towards the front of the vehicle until the
BCM disengages from the lower mounting
NOTE: The wiring harnesses are still connected.
Grasp the BCM, and gently pull the BCM down
disengaging it from the upper mounting bracket.
26.Remove the transmission console and detach
console wiring harness, refer to Section 1A3
Service Information CD.
Figure 1E-15
27.Remove the two retaining screws (3) from the
left (1) and right (2) hand demist nozzles and,
taking care not to damage the solar sensor /
remote receiver module (4), remove both demist
Figure 1E-16
28. Disconnect the left and right front instrument
panel speaker wiring harness connectors (2).
Using a Phillip’s head screwdriver, remove the
two screws (3) (one each side) attaching front
instrument panel speakers (1) and remove both
Figure 1E-17
29. Remove the four retaining screws (2 & 3) from
the instrument panel carrier end panel (1) right
side and remove panel.
Figure 1E-18
30. Remove the four attaching screws (2) securing
instrument panel carrier end panel (1) left side
and three bolts (3) attaching the passenger air
bag support rail, lower left side rail, and rem ove
Figure 1E-19
31.Remove radio/cassette/CD from instrument
panel, using service tool 179 1308 0000 to
assist in removal. Refer to Section 12D AUDIO
SYSTEMS of this Service Information CD.
Figure 1E-20
32. Disconnect radio/cassette harness and if fitted
CD connector. Disconnect antenna and if fitted
diversity and power antenna.
Figure 1E-21
33. Remove the seven screws retaining the
instrument facia assembly to the instrument
panel. Pull the facia from the instrument panel
retaining clips (5 clips) far enough to gain
access to switch connectors attached to the
facia (headlam p, fog lam p, tr ip computer , hazard
switched and, if fitted, fuel mode switch).
34. Disconnect wiring harness connectors from
instrument panel facia switches and remove
Figure 1E-22
35. Disconnect the wiring harness connector (3)
and aspirator tube (2) from the in-car
temperature sensor (1). Remove the two
screws (4) securing the in-car temperature
sensor to the instrument panel and remove the
in-car sensor.
Figure 1E-23
36. Remove the 13 sc rews securing the centr e facia
assembly to the instrument panel and remove
centre facia assembly.
Figure 1E-24
37.Using a number T30H T orx bit ( 1), c ommerc ially
available or Tool No. ETX30H and a suitable
holder such as Tool No. J25359-8, loosen and
rem ove four sc rews (2) from the r ear of s teering
wheel securing the horn bar and air bag inflator
module assembly to the steering wheel.
Figure 1E-25
38.Lift up horn bar and air bag inflator module
assembly (1) from the steering wheel, remove
the yellow clock spring to inflator assembly
connection (2) and disconnect wiring harness
connectors (3 and 4) from rear of assembly.
NOTE: If removing a horn bar and air bag inflator
module assembly from a steering wheel fitted
with stereo controls (as shown), take extreme
care when disconnecting the left hand horn pad
connector (3) from the stereo control wiring
connector otherwise damage to the stereo
control wiring could result.
39.Remove horn bar and air bag inflator module
CAUTION: When carrying a live (undeployed)
horn bar and air bag inflator module assembly,
make sure the bag opening in the horn bar is
pointed away from you. Never carry the horn
bar and air bag inflator module assembly by the
horn bar wires or connectors on the underside
of the assembly. In case of an accidental
deployment, the bag will then deploy with
minimal chance of injury.
When placing a live horn bar and air bag
inflator module assembly on a bench or other
surface, always face the bag and horn bar up,
away from the surface. Never rest the horn bar
and air bag inflator module assembly with the
horn bar f ace down . This is necessary so th at a
free space is provided to allow the air bag to
expand in the unlikely event of accidental
deployment. Otherwise, personal injury may
Figure 1E-26
40.Remove the steering wheel, Section9A
STEERING of this Service Information CD.
41. Remove the sc rews (2) securing the heater and
air conditioning / ECC controls (1) to the
instrument panel.
42.Disconnect the wiring harness connections (3) ,
and on vehicles with manual controls,
disconnect vacuum manifolds (4) and HVAC
control rod (5). Remove heater and air
conditioning controls. (Refer Section 2B AIR
INSTALLATION of this Service Information CD
for additional information).
Figure 1E-27
Figure 1E-28
43. Remove the two screws (3) securing the
instrument cluster assembly (1) and disconnect
instrument connector (2).
Figure 1E-29
44. Remove the five retaining screws (2) along top
edge of instrument panel pad (1).
Figure 1E-30
45. Remove the five screws attaching the fuse and
BCM panel to the instrument panel and remove
46. Remove HVAC unit to door outer r ight hand side
and HVAC unit to door vent inner right hand
side. Refer to Section 2B AIR CONDITIONING
Service Information CD.
Figure 1E-31
47. Remove four screws (2 & 3) securing the
steering column bracket outer support (1) and
Figure 1E-32
48. Remove the three screws securing the centre
facia support rail to the instrument panel, and
remove support rail.
Figure 1E-33
49. Remove the two screws and remove support
steering column bracket inner.
50. Remove the steering column assembly, refer
Section 9A STEERING of this Service
Information CD (Service Operation
– 22).
Figure 1E-34
51. Disconnect the m ain wiring harness (1) from the
diversity antenna (2), diversity antenna power
lead (3) and, if fitted CD connector (4) located
on the left side of the passenger footwell.
Figure 1E-35
52. Remove the f ive screws secur ing the passenger
air bag support rail assembly and remove rail.
Figure 1E-36
53. Remove two screws connecting lower left side
rail to instrument panel carrier assembly.
Remove single screw connecting lower left side
rail to instrument panel carrier end panel left
side. Remove single screw connecting lower left
side rail to body mount.
Figure 1E-37
54. Remove the six instrument panel carrier rail
assembly retaining screws and remove carrier
Figure 1E-38
55. If f itted, disc onnect passenger air bag connector
(2) located on the right hand side of air bag (1).
Remove two nuts (3) attaching air bag to
instrument panel assembly.
CAUTION: When carrying a live (undeployed)
front passenger's air bag inflator module
assembly, make sure the bag o pening is p ointed
away from you. In case of an accidental
deployment, the bag will then deploy with
minimal chance of injury. When placing a live
front passenger's air bag inflator module
assembly on a bench or other surface, always
face with the air bag up, away from the surface.
Never rest the air bag inflator module assembly
wit h the air bag f ace down . This is necessary so
that a free space is provided t o allow t he air bag
to expand in the unlikely event of accidental
deployment. Otherwise, personal injury may
result. Figure 1E-39
56. Remove main wiring harness cabin protector
attaching nut and disengage the protector from
the slot in the retaining bracket.
57. Remove the throttle cable from the accelerator
pedal through to the throttle body or if fitted,
through to the throttle relaxer, refer to the
relevant Section in this Service Information CD;
58. If fitted, remove the throttle relaxer assembly
from the cockpit module, refer to Section 6C3
Figure 1E-40
59. Disconnect the blower motor wiring harness
connector (1) and fan speed control wiring
harness connector (2) from the HVAC unit (3) .
Detach wiring harness retaining clip (4) from
HVAC unit.
Figure 1E-41
60.With engine hood adequately supported, remove
clips (2) secur ing upper end of struts (1) to hood
pivots (3). Disengage struts from hood pivots
and lay strut down on fender inner panel.
With the aid of an ass istant hold hood as s embly,
remove engine hood bracket to hinge attaching
screws (4), and remove hood.
Figure 1E-42
61.On vehicles with V6 engine; release powertrain
harness to cock pit m odule retaining clips (2) and
disconnect the following wiring harness
1 The three powertrain harness to main
wiring harness connectors.
3. Intake air temperature sensor at air
4. Air conditioning pressure transducer
connector at air conditioning condenser.
5. Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor.
Theft deterrent horn (if fitted).
Lay wiring harness on top of engine.
Figure 1E-43
62.On vehicles with GEN III V8 engine; release
powertrain harness to cockpit module retaining
clips (2) and disconnect the following wiring
harness connectors:
1. The three powertrain harness to main
wiring harness connectors.
3. Theft deterrent horn (if fitted).
4. Powertrain control module, refer to Section
III V8 ENGINE of this Service Information
5. Intake air temperature sensor at air cleaner.
6. Mass Air Flow (MAF) sensor.
7. Air conditioning transducer.
Lay wiring harness on top of engine.
Figure 1E-44
63.Remove the front wiper motor and linkage
assembly, refer to Section 12C
HORN of this Service Information CD.
64.Disconnect the main wiring harness from the
engine compartment electrical equipment.
65.Tag and remove all relays, fusible links, and
fuses from the relay housing in the engine
compartment, refer to Section 12N FUSES,
Series I) or Section 12N FUSES, RELAYS &
Service Information CD for the location and
terminal assignments.
Figure 1E-45
1. Wiper Motor 11. Body Earth 21. LH Front Headlamp
2. Brake Failure Warning Switch 12. Body Earth 22. LH Front Turn Signal Lamp
3. Diagnostic Interconnect 13. RH Front Turn Signal Lamp 23. LH Horn (2 connections)
4. Powertrain Harness (1) 14. RH Front Headlamp 24. LH Fog Lamp (if fitted)
5. Powertrain Harness (2) 15. Washer Pump 25. LH Front Wheel Speed Sensor (if
6. Powertrain Harness (3) 16. RH Fog Lamp (if fitted) 26. Battery Harness
7. Cruise Control Actuator (if fitted) 17. RH Horn (2 connections) 27. Battery Harness
8. Relay Box 18. Cooling Fan Motor 28. Power Steering Solenoid (if fitted)
9. ABS ABS/ETC Control Module (if
fitted) 19. Ambient Sensor (if fitted)
10. RH Front Wheel Speed Sensor (if
fitted) 20. Theft Deterrent Hood Switch (2
connections - if fitted)
66. Release engine compartment harness tie down
clips, then push the main wiring harness
grommet into the cabin.
Figure 1E-46
67. If the vehicle is fitted with cruise control,
disconnect the c r uise c ontr ol actuator c onnector ,
located under the main wiring harness protector.
68. Unclip main wiring harness protector retaining
clips from the strut tower. Pass engine
compartment relay block and main wiring
harness assembly through the cockpit module
panel opening.
IMPORTANT: Take extreme care not to damage
the wiring harness while performing this
69. Disconnect the fuel feed, return and vacuum
hoses at quick connects, refer to Section 6C1
III V8 ENGINE in this Service Information CD.
Plug all openings to prevent foreign matter entry.
NOTE: Do not attempt to remove hoses from fuel
rail connections. Once removed from fuel rail
connection hoses require replacement.
70. Unscrew fuel pipe retaining bracket from the
cockpit module.
Figure 1E-47
71. Tag and disconnect the heater hoses and
vacuum lines at the cockpit module, refer Fig.
1E-48 (V6 application) or Fig. 1E-49 (GEN III V8
Figure 1E-48
Figure 1E-49
72. Where fitted, disconnect fluid hose from clutch
master cylinder and using a suitable container,
collect fluid.
73. Remove retaining screw from the clutch fluid
reservoir located at the brake master cylinder.
74. Remove the master cylinder to strut tower brace.
Figure 1E-50
75. In the engine compartment, remove two
retaining nuts from clutch master cylinder.
76. From inside vehicle, remove the clutch master
cylinder clevis retaining clip (2), washer (3),
clutch master cylinder and clevis assembly (4)
and spacer (5).
77. From inside vehicle, remove the two retaining
screws (6) attaching clutch pedal assembly to
cockpit module panel and remove pedal
assembly from vehicle.
78. If fitted, remove the cruise control electrical
release harness connector (7) from the clutch
pedal electrical release switch.
Figure 1E-51
79. Tag and disconnect the brake lines, vacuum
hose and electrical harness from the brake
booster, ABS modulator (where fitted) and
master cylinder assembly. Seal all apertures
with suitable plastic plugs.
Remove the two nuts s ecuring the brake m aster
cylinder to the brake booster and remove the
brake master cylinder.
Figure 1E-52
80. Remove the retaining clip (2), washers (1) and
brake booster pushrod (3) from the brake
Figure 1E-53
81. Remove s top lam p switch har ness connector (3)
and if fitted, cruise c ontrol c ancel switch har ness
connector (2) from the brake pedal assembly
Figure 1E-54
82.Remove the four nuts securing the accelerator
pedal assembly to the cockpit module and
remove accelerator pedal assembly.
83.Remove the four nuts securing the brake pedal
and brake booster to the cockpit module and
remove the brake booster assembly.
84.Remove the three screws securing the brake
pedal assembly to the cockpit module and
remove the brake pedal assembly.
Figure 1E-55
85.Remove the air conditioning compressor to
thermal expansion valve and condenser to
thermal expansion valve line and hose, then
plug all the fittings. Refer to Section 2B AIR
INSTALLATION (V6 engine) or Section 2B
engine) of this Service Information CD.
86.From within the engine compartment, remove
the four screws securing the heater case
assembly to the cockpit module.
Figure 1E-56
87. Remove the HVAC unit (1) from the vehicle by
disengaging the drain grommet (2) and easing
the assem bly from the vehicle taking care not to
strain the heater core tubes.
Figure 1E-57
88.Remove the grommets and insulation panels
from cockpit module.
89.Remove the front windshield, refer to Section
1A6 STATIONARY GLASS of this Service
Information CD.
90.Remove the front doors, refer to Section 1A5
this Service Information CD.
91.Remove engine, refer to Section 6A1-1
applicable Section of this Service Information
92. Remove the two cockpit module retaining bolts
(one each side) from the A pillar.
Figure 1E-58
93. From within the plenum chamber, remove the
two cockpit module retaining bolts (one each
Figure 1E-59
94. Locate VIN plate (1) and c ompliance plate ( 2) on
passenger side of coc kpit module panel. Using a
drill and suitable size drill bit, drill out retaining
Figure 1E-60
95. Transfer the VIN plate onto the new cockpit
module panel. Using commercially available
hand rivet tool and new rosette headed rivets
(two off each plate) secure the VIN plate to the
new cockpit module panel.
Figure 1E-61
96. Transfer the compliance plate onto new cockpit
module panel. Using commercially available
hand rivet tool and new rosette headed rivets
(two off each plate) secure the safety
compliance plate to the new cockpit module
Figure 1E-62
97. Remove the two screws retaining cockpit
module to body earth strap and remove from
Figure 1E-63
98. Using a power saw, cut the module panel
approximately 50 mm above the glue track.
CAUTION: Sparks may ignite petrol in th e fuel or
emission cont rol lines if du e precau tio ns are n ot
Figure 1E-64
99. Drill a hole in the flange above the transm ission
tunnel, and attach a chain block and a clevis.
100. Apply and maintain a light tension to the
remaining part of the module. Heat the
adhesive using a heat gun and pull the panel
from the glue track. Alternatively cut the
adhesive with a hot knife.
101. Clean the excess adhesive from the glue track
using a hot knife or a heat gun and tool.
CAUTION: To avoid fire, Do Not attempt to burn
the remaining adhesive from the glue track
using an oxygen / acetylene torch.
Figure 1E-65
Surface Preparation
Clean any remaining adhesive from the glue track using a hot knife or heat gun and tool if necessary.
The vehicle should be painted before installation of the cockpit module. Before painting the vehicle apply masking
tape to prevent paint entering the glue track.
The adhesive will not properly adhere to paint, over spray, oils, greas e etc. T he glue trac k mus t be fr ee of dirt, dus t,
grease, oils and paint or over spray.
W ipe the glue track with a suitable cleaning agent such as “Prepsol”, then clean any residue from the area with a
clean, dry, lint free cloth.
Avoid fitment problems by temporarily installing the cockpit module panel, prior to mixing the adhesive, rectify any
faults found, then remove the panel from the vehicle.
Before mixing the adhesive it is necessary to have the application gun available. All parts must be clean of any
previous adhesive.
Refer to the latest VT Series Spare Parts Information, for details of where to obtain an applicator gun.
Mixing Adhesive and Catalyst
IMPORTANT: T his is a two-part mix, fas t cure adhesive, ensure that the panel is r eady for installation bef or e mixing
the adhesive. The working time is less than 20 minutes.
Part A: The Adhesive compound, yellow in colour and supplied in a 1.4 kilogram container.
Part B: The Catalyst, used to accelerate the “Cure” tim e of the of the adhesive com pound and is supplied in a 120
gram tube.
The contents of the Adhesive Kit, Part Number 92140052 is sufficient to install the module panel in a vehicle.
CAUTION: The vapour from the adhesive may cause breathing difficulties, use only in a well ventilated
area. In case of eye contact, flush immediately with clean water.
COMBUSTIBLE keep away from spark and flame.
Refer to Safety Precautions in 1.2 GENERAL PRECAUTIONS in this Section.
1. Remove the lid from the Adhesive Compound container.
2. Remove the cap from the Catalyst and pierce the end of the tube, then s queeze the entire contents of the tube
into the Adhesive Compound container.
3. Hold the container securely, and mix the catalyst into the adhesive using a paint mixer or a flat clean wooden
4. Continue to mix until the adhesive is a consistent grey colour without any streaks.
5. Place the follower plate supplied with the applicator gun into the adhesive container.
6. Remove the front end cap and disposable nozzle from the applicator gun.
7. Cut the tip from the nozzle.
8. Place the applicator gun front end over the hole in the follower plate.
NOTE: The eas ies t method of drawing the adhesive into the gun is to pr oceed s lowly, allow the downward press ure
on the plate and the suction of the gun to draw the compound.
9. Simultaneous ly push down on the gun and plate with m axim um press ure, pr ess the gun’s releas e plate inward
and slowly pull the T-bar (piston) outwards. This procedure will slowly suck the mixed adhesive into the
applicator gun.
10. Wipe any excess adhesive from the applicator gun, screw the end cap onto the applicator gun, then reinstall
the nozzle.
11. Proceed immediately with installing the panel.
IMPORTANT: After mixing the silicone adhesive, installation of the cockpit module panel should be completed
within 15 - 20 minutes. Under normal conditions, the adhesive will begin to cure in about 25 - 30 minutes. After
installation, the module panel should not be moved or disturbed until the adhesive is fully cured (about 3 hours).
Check List
Before mixing the adhesive and installing the cockpit module the following items should be checked:
Familiarise yourself with the precautions in 1.2 GENERAL PRECAUTIONS in this Section.
Ensure the adhesive being used is the material recommended by Holden Ltd..
The vehicle surface should be finished and the paint fully dry before installation.
Clean any over spray, grease, oil, dirt, etc. from the glue track using an agent such as ‘Prepsol’ and A CLEAN,
Test fit the module panel in the glue track BEFORE MIXING THE ADHESIVE.
Is the adhesive applicator gun clean and ready for use?
Install the main wiring harness plate in position on the module panel.
Are the cockpit module bolts readily accessible?
1. Clean any remaining adhesive from the glue
track using a hot knife or heat gun and tool if
2. Temporarily install the cockpit module without
adhesive to check fit. Panel should sit in the
centre of the glue track. Rectify any faults
found, then remove from vehicle.
3. Install the harness side plate onto the right hand
side of the module panel.
4. Check each item in the Check List in MIXING
SILICONE ADHESIVE in this Section.
5. Mix the silicone adhesive and fill the applicator
gun as described in ‘Mixing Silicone Adhesive’
in this Section.
6. Begin filling the glue track from the lowest
points to prevent air bubbles forming in the
adhesive. Completely fill the channel in a
continuous bead.
7. Apply a patch of adhesive approximately 50 mm
diameter to the base or the windshield pillar.
Figure 1E-66
IMPORTANT: The glue track or any adhesive
remaining within, must be thoroughly clean and free
of grease, dirt, dust, paint over spray or other
foreign material.
NOTE: Do not attempt to install a fully built-up
cockpit module assembly.
8 Have an assistant help install the cockpit
module panel.
9. Push the panel firmly into the glue track channel
until mounting bolt holes align. Check to ensur e
that the section above the main wiring harness
hole is correctly installed.
10.Using two new bolts, install the two cockpit
module retaining bolts in the plenum chamber
and tighten to the correct torque specification.
11. Using two new bolts, install the two cockpit
module retaining bolts in the A pillar and tighten
to the correct torque specification.
12. Wipe any excess adhesive from the plenum
drain holes and shroud panel areas (The arrow
in Fig. 1E-67 shows the location of the LHS
plenum drain hole).
13. After installing the cockpit module panel,
imm ediately wipe the excess adhesive from the
applicator gun and follower plate.
Figure 1E-67
Reinstallation of the cockpit module and components is the reverse of the removal procedure, noting the following.
1. Ensure all the rubber grommets and insulation materials are installed onto the cockpit module panel.
2. Ensure all fasteners are tightened to the correct torque specification, refer 3. TORQUE WRENCH
SPECIFICATIONS in this Section.
3. Ensure the HVAC unit drain tube is correctly installed.
4. Use new O – rings when installing air conditioning components.
5. Ensure that all wiring harnesses are correctly retained and routed correctly, refer to Section 12N FUSES,
RELAYS & WIRING HARNESSES of this Service Information CD.
6. Re-charge and leak test air conditioning system , refer to Section 2C AIR CONDITIONING - SERVICING AND
DIAGNOSIS of this Service Information CD.
7. Ensure stop lamp switch and cruise control release switches are adjusted correctly, refer to Sections 12B
LIGHTING SYSTEM and 12E CRUISE CONTROL of this Service Information CD.
8. Top up and bleed brake and, if fitted, clutch hydraulic systems, refer to the relevant Sections in this Service
Information CD.
9. Refill cooling system with the specifies coolant and pressure test cooling system, refer to Section 6B1-1
6B3 ENGINE COOLING - GEN III V8 ENGINE in the appropriate Section of this Service Information CD.
10. Ensure throttle and cruise control cables are routed and adjusted correctly, depending on engine variant, refer
to the relevant Sections of this Service Information CD.
IMPORTANT: If vehicle is equipped with SRS (Air Bag), enable the system. Refer to ENABLING THE SRS in
Section 12M SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM of this Service Information CD.
Accelerator pedal bracket securing nut ................................ 20 - 30
Air conditioning compressor suction and discharge hose
pad retaining nut ................................................................... 28 - 42
Air conditioning fitting to FDR ............................................... 7.5 - 12.5
Blanking plate securing nut................................................... 20 - 30
Brake line connections.......................................................... 8.0 - 11
Brake master cylinder bracket attaching nut......................... 15 - 20
Brake master cylinder retaining nut ...................................... 15 - 20
Brake pedal assembly securing nut...................................... 20 - 30
Brake pedal assembly securing screw.................................. 20 - 30
Centre console bin retaining nut ........................................... 1.0 - 3.0
Centre console securing screw............................................. 1.0 - 3.0
Centre facia assembly securing screw ................................. 1.0 - 3.0
Centre facia support rail attaching screw.............................. 1.0 - 3.0
Clutch fluid reservoir attachment screw................................ 15 - 20
Clutch master cylinder retaining nut...................................... 20 - 30
Clutch pedal assembly retaining screw................................. 20 - 30
Cockpit module to A pillar retaining bolt................................ 22*
Cockpit module to plenum chamber retaining bolt................ 25 - 30*
Demist nozzle retaining screw .............................................. 1.0 - 3.0
Diagnostics Link Connector (DLC) attaching screw ............. 1.0 - 2.0
Earth strap retaining screw to cockpit module...................... 2.0 - 4.0
ECC control securing screw.................................................. 1.0 - 3.0
Engine hood bracket retaining screw.................................... 10 - 25
Front wiper arm attaching nut............................................... 20 - 25
Front wiper motor and linkage assembly securing screw..... 4.0 - 6.0
Front wiper motor linkage securing screw ............................ 7.0 - 9.0
Heater and air conditioning controls securing screw ............ 1.0 - 3.0
Heater case assembly to cockpit module securing screw.... 6.0 - 14
Horn bar and air bag assembly to steering wheel securing
screw..................................................................................... 10 - 14
In-car temperature sensor retaining screw........................... 8.0 - 11.3
Instrument cluster assembly securing screw........................ 1.0 - 3.0
Instrument facia assembly retaining screw........................... 1.0 - 3.0
Instrument panel carrier end panel attaching bolt................. 3.0 - 5.0
Instrument panel carrier end panel attachment screw.......... 1.0 - 3.0
Instrument panel carrier rail assembly securing screw......... 1.0 - 3.0
Instrument panel compartment attaching screw................... 1.0 - 3.0
Instrument panel compartment lock striker attaching screw. 1.0 - 3.0
Instrument panel end cap cover attaching screw ................. 1.0 - 3.0
Instrument panel fuse and BCM panel retaining screw........ 1.0 - 3.0
Instrument panel pad retaining screw................................... 7.0 - 12
Instrument panel speaker .................................................... 1.0 - 3.0
Lower left side rail connecting screw.................................... 1.0 - 3.0
Lower steering column cover screw...................................... 0.5 - 2.0
Main wiring harness cabin protector securing nut................. 6.0 - 14
Passenger air bag securing nut............................................ 15 - 25
Passenger air bag support rail securing screw..................... 7.0 - 12
Receiver drier to TXV connecting bolt - V6........................... 7.5 - 12.5
Steering column bracket outer support securing screw........ 3.0- 5.0
Steering column clevis cam bolt ........................................... 23 - 30
Steering column retaining nut (at base of column) .............. 15 - 30
Steering column upper mounting screw ............................... 15 - 30
Steering wheel securing screw............................................. 40 - 50
Support steering column bracket inner securing screw........ 3.0 - 5.0
Thermal expansion valve plate retaining bolt........................ 7.5 - 12.5
Throttle relaxer to cockpit module retaining nut.................... 2.0 - 3.0
Transmission console retaining screw.................................. 1.0 - 3.0
* Use new bolts
179 1308 0000 RADIO REMOVAL TOOL Previously released for ‘T’ cars.