1. A new oil specification for V6 and V6 Supercharged engines; 10W /30 SJ GF2 has been introduced. This new
oil comes from a new generation of oils and, exc luding vehicles fitted with LPG, c an be used on all 3.8 litre V6
NOTE: On vehicles fitted with LPG, engine oil to Holden Specification HN2314 must be used. At time of
publication, products approved to this specification are: BP Vanellus Multigrade C3 15W/40 SH/CG4, Mobil
Delvac MX 15W/40 SH/CG4 and Mobil Super LPG oil 15W/40 SJ/CE4.
2. To provide better inlet valve sealing during engine r un in, the inlet valve seat angle has been revised f rom 45°
to 46°. This revision applies to engines built after engine number VH754438 (V6) and VS754757 (V6
3. To provide better exhaust valve sealing during engine run in, the exhaust valve seat angle has been revised
from 45° to 46°. This revision applies to engines built after engine num ber VH765076 (V6) and VS765144 (V6
4. To commonise V6 engines world wide, the cylinder heads on V6 Supercharged engines have a reduced
diameter on the machined valve spring seat spigot. This modification was introduced from engine number
5. From engine number VH756061 (V6) and VS756061 (V6 Supercharged) the V6 engine oil pan seal was
replaced with a carrier type gask et, com prising of a 1.5m m thick alum inium carr ier with a double lip bonded to
its edge. Coinciding with this change, the seal groove in the oil pan is deleted and micro encapsulated oil pan
retaining bolts are introduced.
NOTE 1: The carrier type gasket must not be used on a ‘grooved’ type oil pan.
NOTE 2: The carrier type gasket must not be re-used once the engine has been started, or if the Permatex
has cured.
6. The O-ring type seal between the upper and lower inlet manifolds on V6 naturally aspirated engines was
replaced by a gasket type seal, commencing from engine number VH923160. Coinciding with this change
comes the deletion of the seal grooves in the upper inlet manifold and a revised torque wrench specification
(from 10 – 14 Nm) for the upper to lower inlet manifold retaining bolts.
Provided both the new gasket AND upper inlet manifold are used, the new parts will service back to earlier
build engines.
7. At the sam e time as the inlet m anifold gask et fitment, the O -ring seal between the throttle body and the upper
inlet manifold was also changed to a gasket type. The torque specification for the throttle body retaining nuts
remains unchanged.
8. To be introduced at an anticipated tim ing of early February 2000, the rear main oil seal c arrier housing gask et
material is to be changed. A non-stick coating will be added to the beaded side of the gasket, allowing the
gasket to move independently from the cylinder block. Visibly the new gasket can be identified by a slight
pinkish tinge to the beaded side.
Should replacem ent be required, both the revis ed gask et AND the rear m ain oil s eal carrier housing MUST be
The new parts will service back to earlier build engines but the two parts MUST also be fitted.