FIELD SERVICE MODE - A PCM mode of operation that is used during service. The field service mode is
operat ional when the engine is r unning and the DLC diagnost ic test enable terminal is earthed.
FUSE - A thin metal strip which melts through when excessive current flows through it, creating an open circuit,
protecting a circuit from damage.
HC - HYDROCARBONS (HC) - Any unburnt fuel leaving th e engine fr om inco mplet e combustion.
IAC VALVE - IDLE AIR CONTROL VALVE - Installed on the throttle body unit and controlled by the PCM to
regulate idle air flow, and thus idle RPM.
IAT SENSOR - INTAKE AIR TEMPERATURE SENSOR - A sensor that enses intake manifold incoming air
temperature, and sends the information to the PCM.
IDEAL M IXTURE - The air/fuel ratio which pr ovides the best pe rform ance , while m aintaining max imum c onversion
of exhaust emissions, typically 14.7 to 1 on petr ol engines.
INPUTS - Information from sensors (MAF, TPS, etc.) and switches (A/C request, etc.) used by the PCM to
determine how to control its outputs.
INTERMITTENT - An electrical signal that occurs now and then; not continuously. In electrical circuits, refers to
occa sional open, short, or earth in a circuit.
LOW - A voltage les s t han a s pec if ic t hr es hold. Ope rat es t he s ame as an e art h and m a y, or m ay not, be conn ect ed
to chassis earth.
MAF - MASS AIR FLOW SENSOR - A device tha t monitor s t he amount of air f low coming in th e eng ine intake. T he
MAF sens or sends a signal to the PC M.
N.C. - NORMALLY CLOSED - Switch contac ts that are closed, when they are in the normal operating position.
N.O. - NORMALLY OPEN - Switch contacts that are normally open when in the normal operating position.
NOx - NITROGEN OXIDE - One of the pollutants found in spark ignition engine exhaust. The are formed from
normal combustion and increase in severity with combustion temperatures.
OXYGEN SEN SOR - T he exh aust gas oxygen sens or is locat ed in the exhaus t m anif old. T he O2 s ensor mea sur es
the oxygen in the ex haust m anif old af ter the c om bust ion pr ocess . T he O2 sens or produce s a sm all elect rical signa l
based on the amount of oxygen in the exhaust gas.
OPEN LOOP - The PCM control of the fuel control system witho ut the use of the oxygen sensor information.
OUTPUT - Functions, typic ally include solenoids and relays, that are controlled by the PCM.
PIM - POWERT RAIN INT ERFACE MODU LE - The PI M acts as a com m unica tion tr anslator between the PCM and
other onboar d c ontrolle rs t hat use a dif fe rent serial data prot ocol. T he GEN III V8 PCM uses the new Class II serial
data t o c om mun icate, while o th er cont rolle rs on the vehic le ar e desig ned to tran smit seria l data via the convent iona l
Universal Asynchronous Receive Transmit (UART) protocol. Since these two types of serial data are not
compatible, a translator or PIM is required to tr ansm it data in either direct ion between the PCM and ot her controller.
PCM - POWERTRAIN CONTROL MODULE - A metal cased box containing electronic circuitry which electrically
monitors and controls the transmission system and emission systems on the engine management system. It also
turns ON the Ch eck Power train Lamp (C PL) when a malfunction occurs in the system.
PCV - POSITI VE CRANKCASE VENTIL ATI ON - Method of rebur ning crankcase f umes , ra ther than pass ing them
directly into the atmosphere.
PROM - PROGRAMMABLE READ ONLY MEMORY - An electronic term used to describe the engine calibration
unit. A plug-in memory unit that instr ucts the PCM how to operate for a particular vehicle.
PULSE WIDTH MODULATED (PWM) - A digital sign al turned O N and OF F for a p ercentage of available o n-plus-
off cycle tim e. A signal that is 30% ON and 70 % OFF would be c alled a 30% ON PWM signal.
QUAD DRIVER - A transistor in the PCM, capable of operating four separate outputs. Outputs can be either ON-
OFF or pulse width modulate d.
RAM - RA NDOM A CCESS MEMORY - Is the m icr oproce ssor s "s cratc h pad". T he proc esso r can write int o, or read
from t his mem ory as neede d. This mem ory is volatile and needs a constan t supply of volta ge to be retained. If the
voltage is lost or removed, this memory is lost.
SERIAL DATA - Serial data is a series of rapidly changing voltage signals pulsed from high to low. These signals
are typically 5 volts (UART), 7 volts (Class II), and 12 or 0 volts (high or low) and are transmitted through a wire
often referred to as the Serial Data Circuit.
SFI - SEQUENTIAL FUEL INJECTION - Method of inj ecting f uel into the eng ine. Places a fuel inje ctor at each inlet
port of a cylinder head, directly in front of the intake valve, mount ed in the intak e manifold.
SOLENOID - An electromagnetic coil which creates a magnetic field when current flows through it and causes a
plunger or ball to m ove.
SWITCH - Opens and closes circuits , thereb y controlling current flow.
TCC - TORQUE CONVERTER CLUTCH - A PCM c ont rolled sole noid in an aut om at ic tr ans miss ion which pos itively
couples the transmission input shaft to the engine.