Using an ohmmeter connected to the various
switch terminals (refer to Fig. 12C-5), check the
operation of the wiper/washer switch as per the
following chart.
If continuity is not present at the specif ied term inals
for any given switch position, replace switch
NOTE: With dwell control adjusted fully up,
multimeter should register approximately 4.2 to 6.5
kohms, and with control adjusted fully down,
approxim ately 476 to 889 ohms when connec ted to
terminals 155 and 96 on the wiper dwell harness
connector, refer to Fig. 12C-5.
Switch Position Terminals Indication if O.K.
Off 91 & 95 Continuity
91 & 95 Continuity
INT 97 & 41 Continuity
1 (Low Speed) 91 & 41 Continuity
2 (High Speed) 41 & 92 Continuity
94 & 41 Continuity Front Wash 151 & 494 Continuity
Rear Wipe 41 & 1391 Continuity
41 & 494 Continuity
41 & 1391 Continuity
Rear Wash
94 & 151 Continuity
Figure 12C-5
Installation of the wiper/washer switch is the reverse
of the removal procedure, noting the following:
Check operation of all wiper/washer switch functions.
NOTE: The switch side of the harness connector f or
the wiper dwell control is wrapped in f oam as an anti-
rattle measure. Should the foam wrap be damaged
during the removal or test procedures, it must be
replaced with a suitable alternative.
IMPORTANT: If vehicle is equipped with SRS
AIRBAG, enable the system. Refer to
SYSTEM, in the VT Series I Service Information.