Important: Tak e ca re when removing engine and trans mission as sembly, that no part of the ass embly is allowed to
rest on the power steering rack.
NOTE: Do not allow the engine to swing forward and damage the air conditioning condenser (if fitted).
68. Continue to lift and manoeuvre the engine and transmission assembly clear of the engine bay.
1. Remove the wiring harness connector s and earth connections from the engine and transm ission ass embly and
carefully set the wiring harness to one side.
2. Remove the transmission and mount the engine assembly in a suitable engine stand. The most practical
position overall, is to mount the engine on the side, using the engine mount bolt holes.
Important: If the engine is to be dismantled and in particular, the camshaft is to be removed, then the camshaft
lobe lift check should be carried out, prior to the removal of the cylinder heads. See Operation 3.2 for details.
3. Drain engine oil into a suitable, clean container.
4. Remove the following components, as described in either this Section or other, designated Sections:
a. Oil filter, refer to Section 2.3.
b. Engine drive belts, refer to Section 2.6.
c. Air conditioning compressor, refer Section 2B, AIR CONDITIONING - REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION of
the VT Series II Service Information.
d. Engine accessory drive belt idler and tension pulley assemblies, refer to Section 2.7 and Section 2.9.
e. Air conditioning drive belt idler and tension pulley assemblies, refer to Section 2.8 and Section 2.10.
f. Generator and m ounting brack ets, ref er Section 6D3-1 CHARGING SYSTEM - GEN III V8 ENGINE of the
VT Series II Service Information.
g. Intake manifold, refer to Section 2.14.
h. Vapour vent pipe, refer to Section 2.15.
i. Engine valley cover, refer to Section 2.16.
j. Valve rocker arm covers, refer to Section 2.17.
k. Valve rocker arms and push rods, refer to Section 2.18.
l. Oil level indicator and ex haust manif olds (if not already rem oved), refer to Sectio n 2.20 and Section 2.21.
Plug the oil level indicator hole in the oil pan to avoid dirt entry.
m. Cylinder heads and valve lifters, refer to Section 2.22 and Section 2.23.
n. Starter motor, refer Section 6D3-2 STARTING SYST EM - GEN III V8 ENGINE of the VT Series II Ser vic e
o. Crankshaft balancer, refer to Section 2.24.
p. Coolant pump assembly, refer to Section 2.25.
Reassembly of the components listed in step 4. of the DISASSEMBLE description above, is the reverse of the
disassembly procedures, except for specific points stated in each description for that component.
For other engine c omponents that ar e detailed in this Section of MAJOR SERVICE OPERAT IONS, the reass embly
process is also detailed.
Installation of the engine assembly is the reverse of removal procedures, noting the following points:
1. Ensure that all fasteners are tightened to the correct torque specifications, as detailed in
6. TORQUE SPECIFICATIONS, at the end of this Section.
2. Use only the specif ied engine lubricant type and quantity. It is recom m ended that a fluoresc ent oil dye, suc h as
that contained in J 28481-B, be added to assist in any future oil leak diagnosis.
3. Fill the cooling system with the proper quantity and grade of coolant. Refer
6B3 ENGINE COOLING - GEN III V8 ENGINE of the VT Series II Service Information.
4. Check transm ission fluid level, topping up as required, using the specified lubricant for the transmission fitted.
Refer 7C4 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION - ON-VEHICLE SERVICING of the VT Series II Service Information.
5. If spacers were removed from the catalytic converter (if fitted) bracket on removal, ensure that
they are reinstalled and bolts tightened to the correct torque specification (refer
6. TORQUE WRENCH SPECIFICATIONS, in this Section). Check the exhaust system alignment and
clearances. Refer Section 8B in the VT Series II, SIP CD-ROM for details.
6. Disable the ignition system. Refer to 2.5 COMPRESSION CHECK in this Section, for details.
7. Crank the engine several times. Listen for any unusual noises or evidence that parts are binding.
8. Enable the ignition system, start the engine and listen for unusual noises.
9. Check the vehicle oil pressure gauge or warning lamp and confirm that the engine has acceptable oil
pressure. If necessary, install an oil pressure gauge and measure the engine oil pressure. Refer to
2.4 ENGINE OIL PRESSURE - CHECK, in this Section.
10. Run the engine speed at about 1,000 rpm until the engine has reached normal operating temperature.
11. Listen for sticking lifters and other unusual noises.
12. Check for oil, fuel, coolant and exhaust leaks while the engine is running, correcting as required.
13. Perform a final inspection for the proper engine oil and coolant levels.
14. Check engine hood alignment.