Cockpit Module Page 1E–2
28–NOV–2004 Page 1E–2
1 General Description
This Section describes the replacement of the dash panel assembly which is part of the cockpit module: a production line
sub-assembly consisting of the instrument panel, heater & A/C module assembly, steering column, pedal assembly,
wiring, etc. mounted to the dash panel asse mbly.
During production, the cockpit module is fitted to the vehicle in one o peration. It is lowered through the windshield
opening and the dash panel a ssembly is fitted into a channel known as the glue-track, which is part of the front floor
panel extension and hinge pillar inner panel assembly.
The glue track is filled with a special silicone adhesive prior to the cockpit module being installed. The dash panel
assembly aligns with several dimples and fo ur bolts secure it to the vehicle; two through the hinge pill ar and two in the
plenum area. Once the adhesive cures, the dash panel assembly becomes an integral part of the bod y structure.
The dash panel assembl y is clearly visible from within the engine compartment. It is the gloss-black body pan el forming
the plenum chamber below the windshield and continuin g to the floor panel. The glue-track can be seen where the dash
panel assembly joins the hinge pillars and floor.
The silicone adhesiv e is a specific type for this application and is suited for the high temperatures generated within the
engine compartment. It has excellent bonding, sealing and longevity characteristics. This technique has been in use for
many years.
The components of the cockpit module, e.g. i nstrument pa n el, steerin g column, heater & A/C module assembly, etc. can
be serviced in the normal manner. The dash panel assembl y can also b e serviced, however due to the fact it is glued-in,
the procedures in this Section must be followed.
Also included in this Section are rep air procedures for a damaged dash panel assembly and adhesive. As the dash panel
is glued to the vehicle, consid eration is needed for the adhesive when repair procedures are performed.
1.1 Precautions
General Precautions
1 Only the correct two-part silicone adhes ive should be used when refitting or repairing the dash panel asse mbly.
Remove as much of the old adhesive as pos sible
from the glue track before installation.
2 As the dash panel assembly forms part of the vehicle structure, where it has any damage or cracks in the sheet
metal, or if fire damage has occurred, the dash panel assembly must be removed and replaced.
3 Tears, separation or splitting of the adhesive exceeding 300 mm in len gth requires removal and complet e re-gluing
of the dash panel. The adhes ive may be repaired where damage is less than 300 mm in length, refer to
2.2 Dash Panel Assembly Repair.
4 The silicone adhesiv e used in the glue track must not be replaced with any other type of adhesive or sealant other
than that which is recommended and ava ilable from an authorised dea ler as the Sealant Kit - Dash Panel.
Urethanes, epoxies, acrylic or normal silico nes, etc. are not suitable for use in this application. Failure to correctly
seal the cockpit module panel to the vehicle may allow exhaust, fuel or other fumes to enter the passenger
compartment and compromise the structural integrity of the vehicle.
5 The adhesive is best applied with the SAE 677 barrel gun & follower plate. Refer to an authorised dealer for